Chapter 4: The Search

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Day 1...
Ok I got food, water, a few weapons in case I run into any trouble, and everything else I'm going to need to survive this long journey. I don't know how long I'll be gone, all I know is that I have enough food to last me an entire week. I just hope that this journey doesn't go on longer than it has to. If it does I'm going to have to go a day, maybe two without eating. Hell, I may have to go three days without eating. I hope not. But I'll do whatever it takes to survive. All I'm going to need is a map of Georgia and a picture of Daniel's jewelry and the engravings then I'm all set to go.
"Yes Chandler?"
"Do you really think that going on this one week journey is actually worth it? Because I don't want you to get your hopes up."
"Or you just don't believe that I can bring Daniel back from the dead."
"That's because you can't. I'm glad that you want to find the jewelry you bought him, and make sure that he's buried with them. But they can't bring him back. Daniel's dead and nothing you do will bring him back. I can't even bring him back."
"Depending on when I get back Daniel will walk the earth again...I'll make sure of it."
"WAKE UP GRAYSON! Daniel's dead and there's nothing you can do to change that."
"I'm not going to waste all of my time arguing with you Chan, because I have someone that's important to me to save. So are you going to help me search, or are you just going to cower in fear?"
"I'm not cowering in fear. Do I look scared to you?"
"No. I only said that because it just doesn't seem like you have any faith that my plan could bring Daniel back. And because you just want me to accept the fact that he's gone."
"I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Your the only family I have left, besides Daniel's preteen kids who think of us as father figures."
"I get it, really I do. Your just trying to make sure that I don't physically hurt myself like Daniel used to."
"Exactly. You're my little brother Grayson and I don't want to see you go down the dark path Daniel did a few times. I love you Grayson....."
"I love you too Chandler."
"Which is why I'm going to help you on your recovery search."
"If you're going to help me, you'll have to pack your own stuff while I get a map and a few pictures."
"For what?"
"So everyone we ask knows what to look for if they happen to find one of the many pieces of jewelry I bought for Daniel."
"So what should we look for first?"
"The ring I bought him. The necklace will be last."
"How many items do we have to find?"
"Seven. One ring, two bracelets and earrings, lastly a necklace and a locket."
"Jesus! Where'd you get the money to afford that many items of jewelry?"
Grayson was about to speak but Chandler beat him to it.
"Wait don't tell got the money from Daniel on your anniversaries."
"And some on my birthday."
"How much did he give you?"
"In total he gave me $8,000."
"Enough talk about Daniel, let's get going we have a long journey ahead of us."
"That's an understatement."

5 minutes later...
Once Chandler and I had everything we needed for our journey we left our home, got into our car and decided to head to the closest police stations to file a report for the missing items.
"I'm not saying that we won't find them, I'm sure we will. But if we don't just know that we tried the best we could, and try not to be disappointed. I know that you will because of the sentimental value those items have, but like I said I just want you to know that we tried our hardest and I also want you to know that Daniel would appreciate the effort we put in to finding the gifts you bought him."
"I'll do my best, but I'm not making any promises. And I'm positive that we'll find them. Now enough chitchat, let's go file a police report."
"Do you remember what the murderers look like?"
"Barely. All I remember is that they had short brown hair and had brown eyes, that's it."
"It's a start at least."
"It was pretty dark and I couldn't get a good look at them with all the tears I was shedding, plus I was being assaulted. So forgive me if I didn't get a good look at them."
"It's ok. It's not your fault."

30 minuets later...
"I think I managed to remember some more details about Daniel's murderers."
"Care to tell me?"
"All three of them were white, one of them had a five 0'clock shadow, another one had a clean shave, and the last had a goatee. The one with the five o'clock shadow was somewhat muscular, and the other two were a little bit overweight."
"What were they wearing?"
"Black robbery clothing."
"Anything else?"
"No. That's it."
"Well, we should have enough to give an accurate description now."
"I hope so Chandler."
"I hope so too. Do you have the receipts for the jewelry you bought Daniel and pictures of them?"
"Yes I do."

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now