Chapter 2: Watching Daniel's Funeral

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8 hours later...
"Welcome home Grayson, we're glad to have you back."
"This isn't home mom, because Daniel's not here. And Chandler told me that you didn't wait for me to be released from the hospital before you had Daniel's funeral."
"We didn't have a choice. Daniel's..."
"Didn't have a choice!? Yeah right! You just didn't want me to say goodbye to the person who saved my life on numerous occasions. All of you hate me and want Daniel to fucking haunt me!"
"Grayson, the reason we didn't wait the extra four days is because Daniel's body..."
"Was starting to smell! I know mom, Chandler told me that as well. He also told me that you recorded the funeral."
"We did, would you like to watch it?"
"As long as I can watch it alone."
"Of course. The DVD is already in the disc tray, all you have to do is hit play."
Once everyone left the living room I turned on the tv, changed the input to DVD, and then turned on the DVD player. After all of that I took a few deep breaths and then took me seat.
"Well, here goes nothing."

4 days ago...
"We are gathered here today to honour the memory of Daniel-Nicholas Beliveau, a man who put others before himself, a man who would risk his own life to save another's. Daniel was more than a devoted friend and brother, he was also a loving father. He meant the world to everyone. And if it wasn't for him my son Grayson wouldn't be alive anymore. Daniel was a one of a kind person and I'm glad that he not only became friends with Chandler and Grayson, but also became a member of our family. Daniel was a true inspiration in this life and will be in the next."
Chandler was the next one to step up and say something about Daniel.
"Losing a friend is tough, but when you lose a family member that's one of the hardest losses to get over, and Daniel was both of those things. He may have been a little stubborn at some points, but he always knew how to lighten up the mood. Day after day he made us laugh and always found a way to keep us entertained. He was a regular comedian. You could rely on Daniel to do all sorts of things. For example; if one of us were sick he'd take of us until we were fully recovered, and he didn't care if he got sick in the process. Just like my dad said, Daniel was a one of a kind guy. And he made me proud to call him my brother."
Once Chandler took his seat Kaden and Alice decided to go next, the first one to speak was Alice.
"Our dad was an incredible man and one of the best fathers Kaden and I could ever ask for. And...and...I can't do this."
Alice turned around to face Daniel's lifeless body and started crying into his shoulder.
"You can't be dead dad, you just can't be! You're just sleeping."
"Alice, I know that it's hard to believe that our dad is dead, but it's true. Our dad's in a better place now."
"But his place is down here with the people he loves."
"Our dad will still be with us Alice, in our hearts and in our memories."
"Thinking about our dad won't bring him back."
"True, but if we think about all of the good times we had with him it'll make us feel better."
"I don't want to think about any memories about our father! I want him to be standing here next to us...ALIVE."
Since Kaden didn't want to hold up anyone else's time he led Alice back to her seat and made sure to comfort her as much as possible.
Next up was Hazel.
"I remember when I first met Daniel, he was funny, super cute, extremely generous, and he would always have a smile on his face. It was my first day at Morningside Elementary and obviously I was very nervous and I was also a little bit scared, that all went away in less then five minutes because that's when I saw Daniel entered the classroom, and approach me. And even though he was smiling I thought he was going to do something horrible to me, like hit me, but he didn't. Instead he asked me if I wanted to be his friend, I instantly told him that I would love to be his friend, and he even offered to show me where everything was if I needed to find anything. He even pulled out my chair for me everyday and held my hand as I sat down. He was a real gentleman and that's how he went out. Daniel did have one dream that he'll never get to see through now, and no it wasn't to see his children grow up. It was to take his family on a cruise to see the northern lights."

Present day...
I turned off the tv and then the DVD player because I couldn't watch anymore of Daniel's funeral, because I was crying so much.
"I can't believe that Daniel's dead. And at such a young age. I know that he was twenty-five, but he still had a whole life ahead of him and he still had Alice and Kaden to look after. Daniel's children may still have their mom, but they need their father as well to be one big happy family."
"Remember what Daniel said Grayson? Me and you can be father figures to Kaden and Alice."
"But it won't be the same Chandler. Daniel shouldn't have died the way he did, no one deserves to die like that. Everyone deserves to live their life to the fullest and Daniel didn't get to make one of his dreams come true."
"To take his family on a cruise to see the northern lights. And I haven't forgotten about the fact that Daniel proposed to you Grayson."
"Then where's your engagement ring? As a matter of fact, where's your necklace and locket?"
"Right where they..."
I felt all around my neck and then checked both of my ring fingers, but all of the jewelry Daniel bought me were gone.
"Don't worry Grayson, we'll get them back."
"How? The people who took them probably already pawned them for money. And Daniel spent a ton of money on the jewelry he bought me."
"How much?"
"Five hundred seventy-five dollars, on the locket and necklace, but I have no idea how much he spent on the ring he bought me. If I had to guess I'd say four hundred dollars."
"Wow. He really loved you, and really spoiled you."
"I know that he didn't have to buy me all of that jewelry, but he only bought those items because he wanted me to have something from him if he ever died. And the pictures that he placed inside was one of my favourites, because the first one was taken on our first anniversary, and the second one was when Daniel and I first became friends."
"He kept that picture all of these years?"
"He never went anywhere without it."
"Then we need to get that locket back."
"We need to get more than my locket back. We need to get my necklace and my ring back as well."
*ding dong*
"I'll get it Chandler."
I walked over to the front door and opened it, unfortunately no one was there. As I was going to close the door I noticed a note, obviously I read it and it told me to check the mailbox.
I opened the mailbox and pulled out not only my engagement ring, I also pulled out my necklace.

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now