Ch 86 - I am Sure

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"No...Please...No!," Nami sobbed as she alternated between chest compressions on the charred and smoking first mate and breathing her into her lungs, "Please...Please...Wake up."

"It's useless...She has no heartbeat," Enel smirked as he walked away from the navigator and the fallen first mate.

Even though Emmy sustained the same attack as before, this time, it was taking her much longer to recover. Much, much longer and the damage was even more extensive than before.

"Come on, Prude!" Nami gasped. Hot, angry tears fell out of her eyes and dropped right onto her hands, pushing rhythmically against Emmy's heart, "What about your power?! Come on...Heal yourself and wake up!"

Enel looked emotionlessly away from the pair and over the railings of his majestic ark. "Oh? As I thought, it's apparently not one of the five that survived," he said and then went over to the side to see who was making all that noise, "Honestly...where on earth were they hiding?"

Nami stilled for a second and she turned to look at the false god. Don't tell me...

"How my prophecy did not come true!" Enel growled at who he saw on the ground below.

"ARE YOU THAT ENEL GUY?!" Luffy's voice bellowed throughout the cavern, which made Nami's tears fall even harder and her pushing that much more determined.

"Come on...Prude...Wake up! He's here. Luffy's here," Nami whispered, "You''re going to make him sad, if he sees you like this."

Nami leaned in to hear for signs of breathing or a heart beat but when nothing came, the navigator sat back up and bit her lip. "Come on, Prude! Stop messing around and wake up! If you don't..."

Nami inhaled a strangled breath and she lowered her head on the lifeless first mate, "If you don't, who...Who's going to chat with Merry?...Who's going to clean up after us around the ship? Who's going to make sure Zoro and Sanji-kun behaves?!"

The more the navigator spoke, the angrier she got. Suddenly, she was sitting back up and practically wailing on the first mate's chest, "If...if you don't, it's all going to fall apart!"


"Luffy will be a wreck!"


"The ship will be a mess!"


"And you''ll be the worst first mate ever!"


"So wake up, god damn it! You still have a job to do!"



Emmy's eyes flew open and she inhaled a strong breath that filled up her lungs entirely. She blinked at Nami, who immediately cradled the first mate's head into her arms.

"Thank goodness...Thank goodness..." Nami cried, too relieved of the first mate's return to life to even scold or berate her even more.

"N-Nami?" Emmy whispered.

"Yeah. I'm here...Luffy's...Luffy's here too," Nami whimpered and she could feel the first mate relax a little more in her arms.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIENDS?!" Luffy demanded from beyond the ship.

"Which piece of trash are you referring to?" Enel asked casually back.

"STAY RIGHT THERE, ENEL! I'm going to beat the crap out of you!" Luffy shouted.

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