Ch 38 - I am In Training

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For the second time since becoming a pirate, Emmy found herself in the middle of a town hosted celebration. However, unlike the three day long bonanza on Arlong Park, the one being thrown in their honor at Whiskey Peak was drastically different. For starters, there was no reason for this party. Luffy and his crew had done nothing except be present. The more alarming, and most important difference that Emmy could not shake off, was the fact that the merriment everyone seemed to present to her and her nakama was just a cover for the nastiness and desperation that reeked in their hearts.

She would have felt like a calf being led to slaughter, if not for the fact that both the navigator and the swordsman were more in control of the situation than the town realized, especially the swordsman. From the corner of her eye, she watched as the navigator and swordsman took part in a drinking challenge against the town. Unbeknownst to all the spectators, Zoro and Nami were not as intoxicated as they appeared to be. Despite being on guard, though, both of them seemed to be having some genuine fun out of this charade.

On the other side of the pub that they were all crammed into, Sanji was busy flirting with a table of just women while Usopp regaled an audience at the next table with his many adventures as Captain Usopp.

"Oy, Emmy, you're not eating," Luffy said in between bites as he shoved a plate of meat towards his sister. They were sitting at their own table, in a booth seat, while plates and plates of food were being brought to them. Luffy's belly had filled out to the point that he was taking up over 80% of the seat with Emmy sitting at the very edge.

"I'm...I'm just a little nervous," Emmy admitted.

"All these people?" Luffy asked and looked around the room. There were dancers and a 9 piece band amongst the crowd. The noise level was thunderous and compacted into just this one tiny establishment, "Would you feel better if you're back on the Merry? Let me grab a bento and I'll take you back. OY! Can someone get me a to-go box?!"

"No, it's okay!" Emmy insisted, "I need to get used to this many people. I can't expect to stay on Merry-san in fear of getting overwhelmed. Then I'd never leave the ship. What kind of adventure would that be?"

"Hey! You've had your headband off all night," Luffy said with a grin, "This bond thing really works."

"Yes...As long as everyone's mood is stable...And everyone seems very happy right now."

"Shishishi. That's because it's a party!" Luffy cheered, "Come on, Emmy. Be happy too! Eat!"

Emmy laughed and she accepted the plate of food in front of her, "Okay. I'll eat."

"Hello, pretty lady, would you like to dance?"

A man approached the table with his hand held out towards Emmy. He had on a white cowboy hat over his shoulder length brown hair. He wore dark blue jeans and a black shirt with the word "Bang!" written across it in white. His smile and grey eyes were as glossy as his hair.

"No, I'm okay...but thank you for the offer," Emmy said softly as she shifted a bit closer to her brother.

"Are you sure?" he pressed with his hand unmoving, "You don't have to be shy."

"Me malfeady faif mo," Luffy said with his mouth crammed with food.


Luffy frowned, which was a feat considering how expanded his cheeks were. He gulped, forcing the mound of food down his rubber throat, and then shot an annoyed look at the man. "She already said no," Luffy repeated and then smacked the man's hand away, "She's busy eating."

The man kept his good natured smile as he rubbed his reddened hand. "Okay, okay," he said and backed away, "Just trying to show some hospitality to the pretty girl. She doesn't seem like she's having much fun that's all."

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