Ch 78 - I am Passing Judgement

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"This is good! Yummy, yummy! Here, Emmy, try some," Luffy said as he grabbed a slice of an unidentifiable sky fruit and held it out to the first mate, who was hunched over a square coffee table with the cook. Both were busy arranging food into bento boxes for the crew.

Emmy, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp had all gone back to the Conis and Pagaya's house while the rest of their nakama waited on the ship. Sanji and Emmy were busy preparing lunches for everyone using Conis and Pagaya's leftovers while Usopp found any supplies from Pagaya's scrap pile to help patch up the Merry.

It was clear that those on the ship were itching to get out of the sky island but the captain was very eager about going to see the sacred grounds called Upper Yard. Although the first mate wanted to be in the former group, she knew the captain was right. She had to see what was there and face her fears. It was one thing to be scared but it was entirely another thing to be cowardly and Emmy refused to be that. Her family would not stand for it.

"Luffy, please stop eating the food. If you keep going like this, there won't be anything left for anyone," Emmy said, not looking up from the bento in front of her. She delicately placed a four sushi rolls into one of the compartments and then looked over to the cook, "Sanji. How's this?"

"Oh. It's coming together well, Emmy-chan. Is that the one for Usopp or Chopper?" Sanji asked.

"Chopper," she replied.

"I would take out some of the meat and put in more vegetables," the cook advised, "Put the meat in that crappy swordsman's bento."

"I brought you all some tea," Pagaya interrupted as he walked in with a tray of steaming mugs.

Emmy immediately got to her feet and hurried over to the host. "I can take that," she said and she stilled for a moment when she grabbed the tray from the man and stopped it from trembling. She smiled softly at him and give him a nod, "Thank you, Pagaya-san."

"Oh! Are you sure?" Pagaya asked, "It might be too heavy for you. I don't want you to get burned."

"I've had practice," Emmy said as she carried it with just one hand and served it to her nakama.

Conis came into the living room and she gasped at the open displays of bentos. "Wow. They don't even look like food. It's such a pretty lunch!"

Sanji smiled and held out a bento with a small angelic sculpture shaped out of mashed potatoes. "This one is for you, Conis-chan! I call it 'Love is a dilemma. Lunch for the falling angel'."

"Oh. Does every lunch have a title?" Emmy asked, "Luffy, do you want to name your lunch?"

Luffy frowned and thought hard about it before finally giving a firm nod. "Everything is beautiful and delicious but it will all go plop! plop! in the end."

"DON'T SAY STUFF THAT TEARS DOWN MY HARD WORK!" Sanji snarled and pointed a finger at the captain, "And watch your mouth when you're in front of ladies!"

"OY! Something's wrong with the ship!" Usopp suddenly called out from the terrace.

The pirates ran to see what was going on. From a distance, all they could see was that the ship was rocking violently from where they had anchored.

"Are they having a party?" Luffy asked as Sanji brought a telescope to his eyes.

"AH! Nami-san!" he shouted and then banged his fist on the railing, "Why is she in a t-shirt?!"


"Just where the heck is your mind at?!" Usopp seethed with a hard smack to the back.

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