Ch 71 - I am Finding Out For Myself

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Emmy's heart was beating hard against her chest. She had to actively remind herself to breathe through her nose and out of her mouth as to sustain her intensive movement and to keep herself light on her feet. She was used to this regiment during the swordsman's training but this time it wasn't an exercise, even though her sparring partner was the same.

"Zoro. Please. Stand still," Emmy said between breaths. She thrust out the bandaid in her hand towards the swordsman's face but he quickly stepped to the side and batted her hand away.

"I told you. I'm fine, Emmy, I just need to sleep," he replied.

"You're bleeding all over the deck," Emmy protested. She straightened herself up and pointed at the trail of blood and that stopped at his feet.

Her words seemed to annoy the swordsman and he scowled. "Are you worried about me or Merry getting dirty?!"

Before she answered, she made a lunge at Zoro, taking advantage of his lowered guard. The bandaid stuck straight onto the deep gash on his left cheek. "Both! You are both very important. If you won't let Chopper take a look at you, at least take care of yourself."

Zoro's scowl deepened and he put a hand over the bandaid. However, instead of pulling it off, he pressed it in even more. He turned on his heel and swiftly crossed the deck. He didn't break stride when he bent down and scooped up a roll of bandages at the doctor's side when he passed him and the captain. He sat himself against the railing and started to wrap his wounds. "Fine."

"So what kind of monster did you guys encounter?" Usopp asked from the opposite railing while Emmy took out a mop and began to clean up Zoro's mess.

"Pirates," Luffy grinned. Chopper had made quick work of him and he was practically good as new except for some scuff marks along his arms and a bandaid right under his eye. Of course, that didn't mean the doctor's work was done. The reindeer was in the middle of patting ointment to help alleviate the bruising. "But it's all over now."

Nami crossed her arms and stewed on the steps. "Even if it's over for you guys, it's not over for me. What's with you guys? Aren't you men? When someone provokes you, you should go ahead and beat them all up! Actually, better yet, why not just blow up this whole annoying town?!"

Emmy stopped her mopping for just a second and shot the navigator a curious look. "But Nami, you stopped me from fighting..."

"What's past is past!" Nami snapped, "Don't talk about ancient history!"

Usopp scratched his head. "Oy. What's she in such a mood about when she's unhurt?"

Luffy shrugged. "No idea."

"Her pride is hurt," Emmy said and then went about her mopping, ignoring the look of outrage from the navigator, "Deeply."

"Keep our bond to yourself, Emmy!" Nami roared.

Emmy paused her mopping again. She stood up straighter and then bowed to the navigator. "You're right. I'm sorry."

The fact that the first mate conceded so easily only frustrated the navigator even more and it released the flood gate. "Tch. All I did was mention 'sky island' and the entire bar broke out laughing. Did I say something funny?! What's up with them?! Who do they think they are?! HUH?!"

"Ah, it's quite lively up here," Robin said as she climbed up on the deck. She was wearing a brand new outfit, a purple cowboy hat with a purple suit and black boots. In both hands, she carried shopping bags of different sizes and colors, "Did I miss a party?"

"Ah! Welcome back, Robin-channnn!" Sanji sang, "Should I prepare you a refreshing beverage? Or a bath?"

"Robin!" Emmy said as she finished mopping off the last spot of blood and then rested her mop in a bucket, "Did you have fun in town?"

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