Ch 80 - I am Bewildered

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Fortunately, the loss of the bond between the first mate and the doctor was only temporary but it still left both of them quite shaken but for different reasons. Emmy did not know what had happened to Chopper but she knew it was bad. However, she did not expect just how dire the situation was when they finally returned and saw the ship's state.

There were splotches of charred wood around the floorboards and the railing. The most gruesome sight was the mast. A broken and burnt stump was all that's left on the main deck while the rest of it, sails and all, floated limply along the lake clouds that surrounded the altar.

Emmy said nothing because of how distraught Chopper was already feeling. He had been left to guard the ship so he felt responsible. A priest had attacked him and the Going Merry with some sort of flaming spear and it was only because of Gan Fall's interference that any of them survived the priest's attack. Although everyone, including Gan Fall's flying steed, were left extremely hurt.

The first mate couldn't say anything because there was nothing she could say to help the situation. Usopp had said he could fix up the ship but Emmy could feel how much of it was forced hope and how much was an actual true statement. Even Merry's voice, despite reassuring the first mate that she was fine, was the weakest Emmy had ever heard it.

Emmy sat by a pot of water hanging over a small fire with her book in her lap. Night had fallen and the bonfires the pirates lit to cook and prepare food for the night and for tomorrow were the only source of light besides the glowing moon.

Emmy was waiting to collect enough distilled water to fill their canteens. It was decided, after each group had reported each of their findings, that they were going to set out to look for the City of Gold in the morning. It appeared that Upper Yard was originally part of Jaya centuries ago and had shot up into the sky the same way they had, via the Knock Up Stream.

However, this realization did not fill the first mate with any excitement. In fact, she was purely reading as a means to distract herself from dealing with her own fear and frustrations that were stewing inside her. The book proved to be very effective and she was absorbed by the story.

A fragment of the goblin's magic mirror, the one that made everything great and good that was reflected in it appear small and ugly, but which magnified all evil things until each blemish loomed large, had gotten into the little boy's eye. Poor Kay! A fragment had pierced his heart as well, and soon it would turn into a lump of ice. The pain had stopped, but the glass was still there.

"Oh no!" Emmy breathed as she turned the page.

"Are you enjoying the fairytale, Little Pirate?"

It took a beat for Emmy to tear her eyes away from the words and glance up at the historian. "Yes, very much."

"Nami-swan! Robin-chwan! Emmy-chwan! Dinner is ready," Sanji called out while portioning out the stew he was cooking into individual bowls.

"Thank you, Sanji-kun!" Nami said, taking a bowl into her hands and then sitting down on a protruding tree root, "We should plan out tomorrow while we're eating."

Sanji handed Robin two bowls and she gave one to Emmy while nodding in agreement. "Ah."

The first mate turned to look at the sleeping Sky Knight, who was bandaged up and resting away from the commotion of the pirates. "Should we wake Gan Fall-san up to eat?"

Chopper, who was sitting next to his patient and Pierre, shook his head. "Let him rest."

"Ooh! Dinner, dinner, dinner!" Luffy cried. He bounded over from the shores of the lake along with Usopp and Zoro. They had been busy gathering as much supplies as possible to repair the Merry.

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