"Are you sure? I don't want you getting hurt out there, I can go instead," he offers. You watched as he stood up and approached your mother. Her smile didn't leave her face as she cupped his cheeks and laughed as he blushed lightly at the closeness.

"Don't worry, Yu will be with me and I'm sure if anything went wrong someone would call the police," she assures. Aizawa still didn't look to happy with her decision and stood his ground, remaining slouched while still being taller than her.

"Please, I want to make dinner for my family." She fluttered her long eyelashes as she gave him puppy eyes, you had never seen her do it but found it quite amusing. Giving in, he sighed.

"Fine, but don't be too long or I'm coming out after you." She laughs quietly, pecking his lips before pulling away.

"There's no need to be so protective, Shota," she teases, walking towards the front door with Yu beside her. He grunts before returning to his spot on the couch. Yu called out to as they left, sending you a wave. You returned it, later turning your gaze to your sensei who rested on the couch.

You thought back to when he said he had chosen you for his class back at the hospital. You wanted to know what he meant. Gaining some confidence, you let out a loud sigh, one which caught his attention. Opening one eye, he glanced over at you. Kuro was now gone, you weren't sure where he went but he disappeared when you were busy waving to Yu.

"In the hospital you mentioned choosing me." Aizawa hummed, threading his fingers through his long hair.

"I did." You held eye contact.

"Was it because of my last name?" His lips curved up into an odd smile as he lent his head back.

"Partially but it was also because the other teachers kept trying to tell me we couldn't take you. You aced the written test and scored the highest in the practical one while only using a small percentage of your power and quirks. Sure, I was interested in seeing if you had any relation to Hikari but I also saw your potential. I cleared everything up with Nezu and he allowed me to add another to my class, having 21 rather than the standard 20. They expected me to expel a bunch of students anyway so they let me have my way. I'm even surprised that I haven't expelled anyone yet, I think all of them, including you will make great heroes." You smiled down at the floor at the praise from your sensei, hearing that from someone you looked up to made you feel good.

"Thank you," you mumbled. He shrugged his shoulders, resting his hands behind his head as he lay down on the couch.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you about what you said during the press conference today. Who is it? The person you care so much about, they're not in my class, are they?" You blushed lightly, shaking your head.

"Uh no, they aren't in our class." He let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god for that." You chuckled quietly at his reaction, your eyes widening at the sight of Kuro appearing on the couch which Tsukauchi and Yu shared earlier.

"It's actually the purple-haired brainwashing kid who faced Midoriya," Kuro said with a smirk, holding your eyes. You turned to the boy with a glare, not being able to hide the blush on your cheeks. The tired male let out a sigh as he stretched, spreading himself further on the couch.

"He's strong and with proper training he could become a hero." You stared down at your lap, smiling gently.

"I think so too, if he didn't have to face robots in the practical test he would've past and we could've been in the hero course together," you added. Aizawa slowly sat up and turned to face you fully.

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Where stories live. Discover now