Chapter 23 "The Final Challenger"

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                                                                      Author's point of view


Meanwhile back at the home Abby found that note from the stranger and after reading that note, she felted forlorn and dejected by the fact that she was now left all alone, it was a note from Andrew that told her he was going to leave her forever and he is now going somewhere far away from her so that he could forget him easily, in the end he mentioned her to find someone else as a life partner.

Abby was broken hearted she burst out of tears and try to get to Andrew's home. She got to his house and found Mr. McLaren as she asked about Andrew from him, but unfortunately Andrew never disclosed the purpose of his trip, as Mr. McLaren just told Abby that last time he saw him he was packing things to go on a long trip.

Abby's nightmare had turned into a reality. She never imagined this to happen with her in the end, she returned home hopelessly as she got to her house she found a car parked outside her house, the car seemed familiar. As one of her husband's friend use to have this type of car. She got to the front door and found a man standing right at the door reading the note that was still sticking on her door, as she asked him, who was he,

Abby: Who are you? What you want?

Sam: "Hey it's me Sam, I was your husband's best friend remember, the one with the taxicab Stand" (In same old annoying tone)

Abby: "my husband is no more and I don't have any kind of relation with him anymore"

Sam: "yea I got the news of his sad demise, but I was not here for him I was here for you, as I wanted to consolidate you, I know how it feels to be left out alone"

Abby: "Why did someone close to you died?"

Sam: "Well not technically died but my wife abandon me and she ran away with another guy somewhere far away where she can forget me easily, you can understand what I mean right" (voice getting intense)

Abby: "yes I do" (Sobbing)

Sam: "aw come on no need to cry, see I always wanted to find a person who really can understand my pain, just like you, and we share so much in come, your lover got away and so did my wife" (being sarcastic and coherent)

Abby: "I don't know I just need my son back" (desperate)

Sam: "oh I can help you get him back all you need is to marry me and everything is going to be back to normal again."

Abby: "but...!"

Sam: "uh uh uh, no buts I have arranged everything and I am going to take you out of this misery"

Abby: "but what about Andrew?"

Sam: "Who cares of that loser, he abandon you and left without a trace, try to accept the reality and learn to move on, all that loser know is how to ruin peoples bingo night and dent rented cabs, now go home and have some rest we will get married tomorrow early in the morning till 7:00 am. In the church near the city gate, good night and sweet dreams" (without taking a single breath in between he uttered this whole sentence)

Abby: "good night"

The night was cold just like the heart of Mr. Sam as he tries to take this chances off the clock from Andrew. But what was going on Abby's mind was even devastating she had become a lifeless body that was out there to be presented as subject of tragedy and with every second passing by time was getting shorter and the chances to save Abby from Sam were getting narrower.

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