Chapter 15: The Proposal

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Author's point of view

Principle scouted the new substitute teacher towards the class, as they were heading towards the class room the new teacher can easily hear the level of noise slowing raising up as they get closer and closer, as soon as the door opened the noise got up to its peak and then suddenly falls to a dead note. It was probably because of the sudden appearance of the principle in the class room, the Principle gained some ground and then announced the arrival of the new substitute teacher, in the abscesses of Miss Fiona as she was suffering from small pox.

Principal: "Ok class! Meet your new substitute teacher, from now on he will be conducting your class until Miss Fiona gets well"

Class: "Okay Madam"

Principal: "Okay that will be all from me, now they are all yours, good luck, seriously good luck you need it," 

Anonymous student: "What a loser!"

Principal: "Hey! I heard that, I got eyes on you all,"

Class: "hahahahah!"  (Roar of laughter)

Principal: "Ahh what devilish kids, I am sure you won't find a rustication funny ha! Ha, is that funny enough, well looks like the jokes on you! Ha Ha"

Teacher: "Madam! Please, I'll take care from here now"

Principle: "oh yea, I am sorry, but keep your eyes wide open they are very thespian particularly in acting innocence" 

Teacher: "oh thanks for the input"

The principal walked away out of the class while pointing two figures in her eyes and back to the class and mutter out of the room, while the class spreads a low tone giggles in the room and now the class room was under the new vulnerable substitute teacher.

Teacher: "Ah! So that was an awkward first interaction, well let's just forgot about that and move on to the introduction shall we"

Class: (Crickets Chirping)

Teacher: Hum, ok let me start first then, hello everyone, my name is Walle and I am currently a college student in semester four and still going strong, I am your new substitute teacher present here in the absence of your original teacher Miss Fiona, I hope she gets well.

Class: "no! It's only been three days, let her stay at home!"

Walle: "wow looks like she's been a pain for few people"

Class: (giggles)

Walle: well this is a new job for me, if I count my few jobs I have been into before, this one looks like that I would stick to a record breaking time,

Class: (laughter burst out)

Walle: "yea trust I would not last more than 2 weeks, well that's all you guys can know about me, who is going to tell me about them let's start with name," 

Anonymous student: "you've got a file with all the names on it, I think that will be all for today sir!" (Giggles)

Walle: "Well thank you for your kind information, but I just don't want to know your names only, I also want to know what you guys like and dislike, so come on who is going to tell me?"

Class: (Crickets Chirping)

Walle: "Come on guys, this is not going to work like this, ok if you guys are not willing to tell now I will point out names from this list,"

Walle grabs the paper and start to pick out names in a random order, and finally he got some luck in opening up with the students, as he was asking the likes and dislikes he also notices that there were some bullies that were still anonymous to him, as they were continuously taunting on almost every single kid, but until reaching the end things got intense...

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