Chapter 11: The Interrogation

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Author's point of view

The cold cubical walls of concrete, with a steel table attached to the ground in the middle of the room, getting as cold as the room temperature, two steel chairs placed right each in front of both the ends of the table, a dim light falling on to the middle of the room on to the table from a hanging shade lamp, A huge mirror on the left side of the room almost covering the whole wall, the door opens and two officers brings David in to the room, with his hands cuffed, still trying to repel the grip to run away.

They settle him down on to the chair and left him in that room alone, meanwhile on the other side of that mirror was actually an investigation team including Officer Blair and few other investigators, after watching David's behavior closely officer Blair decides to go in and ask him a few questions,

(Frame one)

Officer and David

Officer: "so I have been reported of domestic violence and charges of trying to bring harm upon you own son and wife."

David: "ha that's bulls**t! That women was cheating on me with some other guy and they were planning to take my kid away, so I was just taking him with me to a save place," (Arrogant tone)

Officer: Your wife called us in and told us that you were drunk and was breaching the ethics of a workplace, beating and abusing her... is this true?"

David: I told you, that women can't stand me, she made me lose my job, she always showed me as I was worthless in front of everyone and now when she finally finds another man, she decided to dump off like a f***ing used tissue paper."

Officer: "That was not my question! I suppose you missed my point so I give you another chance, I asked you about, that did you beat your wife and abused her in her own office or not?" (Cold temper)

David: "Ah... ah... well I was drunk, I would had said a few words I suppose may be." (Nervous tone)

Office: "than that's a yes"

(Frame two)

Officer and Abby

Officer: "so David is your husband?"

Abby: "yes"

Officer: "and how long you guys have been together?"

Abby: "It's been very tough fourteen years sir"

Officer: "hum fourteen years that's a long time together and all of a sudden your husband becomes a devil in your eyes, isn't that really intriguing Miss Abby?" (Suspicious tone)

Abby: "I am sorry officer, but this time David really crossed the line" (Weeping)

Officer: "What do you mean by "this time"?

Abby: "He has never crossed the limit before, but this time he tried to took Leo away from me,"

Officer: "Oh, so that means that he abuse you and your son and also physically harms you guys often at home, am I right?"

Abby: "yes!" (Crying)

Officer: "and you never reported this because you though that I wasn't crossing a darn limit, are you kidding me,"

Abby: "yes, But I am really sorry sir" (Crying)

Officer: Anything could had happened, that behavior could had jeopardize you house,"

Abby: "I am Sorry, I could not had done it, or else he would have taken Leo away,"

Officer: "tell me more about David that you don't want anyone to know about him."

Abby: "we felled in love long time ago, when he showed me that he was a different man, he also had a job, but after we got married I got to know of his friends and him being involved in drug addiction and child abuse cases, once he got to know of my business, he left his only job and got totally dependent on my money, as I protested on no longer giving him money for drugs he always beats me and threat me that he will kill our baby, as I was pregnant even before this marriage"

Officer: "Oh boy...! That's another story, unlike what your husband told me"

Abby: "and what did He told you?"

Officer: "he told me that you and you driver were trying to take Leo away from him, As he tells us that you were cheating on him with that driver"

Abby: "What! No that's not true, Andrew needed a job, he lost his job because of me and I just wanted to help him."

(Frame three)

Officer and Andrew

Officer: "so you are Andrew, Abby's diver,"

Andrew: "yes sir, that's true"

Officer: "she told me that she was the reason behind, you losing your job, is that true,"

Andrew: "Well I can't fully blame her for that, some part of it was my mistake as well and yea my owner Sam also didn't liked me"

Officer: hum interesting, Sam right? Where I can find him?

Andrew: "He's always at the Pit stop you can find him there"

Officer: "so how did you and Abby meet?"

Andrew: we first meet almost a month ago, when she needed help, as it was late and she was all alone, stranded as she seemed so I decided to help her, to start her car, as this whole thing took an hour of my day, got late as that day was my son's birthday as well, so I got panicked and that's the time where everything starts to go wrong for me.

Officer: "so that means, you are married and have a son, what does your wife do?"

Andrew: "Well actually sir I am a single parent, two years back I lost my wife due to brain tumor, and my son Walle is now in college"

Officer: "oh I am sorry about your wife, but this seems to be a perfect match to this story, somehow Abby and you can be connected by a relation easily and trust me I have Experience about that,"

Andrew: "Oh no sir, me and Abby are just professionally connected, there is nothing like that between us, I can assure you that and David was the one to say something like that about his wife in front of his own child,"

Officer: "hum, looks like this story is getting back to where it got started and I don't want to go in circles"

Andrew: "Well sir if I may give you a suggestion, will you allow me to address it to you?"

Officer: "well sure go ahead, if it solves my problem"

Andrew: "thank you sir, the thing is that there is something more about David, that Abby is hiding from us, And the only person who knows about it, is her own son Leo, and I think he can help you on this"

Officer: "well I really appreciate your input, we will be in touch, I am sure about it."


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