Chapter 12 : The Dark Secret Reviled

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Author's point of view

After what Officer Blair heard from each of the suspects relating this case, it seemed as a normal case of domestic violence, but the things were about to get much more dirtier, because after Andrew highlighted a missing piece officer Blair knew things are not that straight as it seems to be portrayed to us and now all he had to do was find out the missing piece of the puzzle, which was kept as a secret with Leo, Abby and David's only son.

Officer Blair decides to find out the truth, but he also make it sure that nobody else got to know about this, As the best way to get the information was from his school when Abby is busy in office, David is still in the jail kept in surveillance and also Andrew after dropping Leo to school till he comes back to pick him up,

After reaching school officer Blair got to the principal's office, as he finds her busy in a meeting with a new substitute teacher, as he comes in, the Principal's decides to cut the meeting in short.

Principal: "Okay young man you can start your job from this Monday than",

Substitute teacher: "Well thank you, Ma'am, will see you soon at work, good bye."

Principal: "oh, good morning officer is everything alright,"

Officer: "yes ma'am everything is ok, I just wanted to talk to a student that is in your school, probably in grade 7, his name is Leo and he knows something important to me about a case that I am recently working on,

Principal: "Well I am sure I can help you with that, but first I need to inform the parents first as per our school policy,"

Officer: "No! I can't allow you to do that, sorry but you have to overlook this policy just this once I don't want his parents to know about this meeting, it's a secret that I want you to keep between us"

Principal: "Ooo I always wanted to be a detective, alas I can be one now" (overwhelmed)

Officer: "Yea sure know yourself out, but please hurry,"

The principal was quite overwhelmed by the fact that she was going to help officer on this case, as she operates the peon ring and calls him in, She orders him to bring Leo to her office,

(Class Room)

The peon get in to the class room and ask the teacher to lend Leo out for some reason as directed by the principal, the teacher allows him to go to the principal's office, while Leo got up from his set and make his way out of the class, some bullies tried to prank him, as the kid in the third row of right side of the class room sticks his leg out from the bench and Leo unaware of that, he trips over and fall right in front of his whole class, but he was so use to this humiliation that he just gets up and starts to walk again while someone yell at the back "what a loser" and the class teacher again maintaining the decorum.

(Principal's Office)

Leo finally standing in the principal office and asked the principal, did his dad called him again early at home, the principal shows a negative gesture while nodding her head off and tells him why he has been called.

After knowing the purpose, officer Blair noticed fear and nervousness reflecting off Leo's face, Officer asked principal to leave them alone and closed the door for this short meeting,

Officer Blair pulled a chocolate out of his pocket and gave it to Leo, Leo grabs the offering and asked officer, is everything all right and then he explained him everything, that why he was here,

Leo: "So you want to know the truth?"

Officer: "Yes the truth that your mother is also not telling us and I am sure it's about your father."

Leo: "the truth is that my father is not a good man, he is a drug addict and also beat me and mom when he don't get his drugs...

Officer: "Yes, I already know about that, and that was the thing your mother immediately informed us about and the thing is, I have experience, there are also these wife's who hide everything about their husbands from us, but your mother told us as if these things were normal to her and hide something even more worse than this."

Leo: "well yes, sadly there is something much worse," (Tearing)

Officer: "Tell me, there is no need to be afraid of anyone and your father is in jail still, so he won't be able to do anything to you,"

Leo: "promise me you won't tell dad or else he will kill me and my mother for this" (weeping)

Officer: "yes I swear, I will not tell your dad, trust me"

Leo: "Ok, (Taking a deep breath)

Leo's Point of view

My mother married a man that was actually involved in criminal activities such as drug dealing and child abduction with the gangsters, after getting married to my mom, dad never treated her as a wife he looked at her as a toy for getting timely pleasure but he tried to keep a lesser contact with the gangsters, but like the drugs this was an addiction to him, as they provide him the money when mom don't give him, but this money that he eared had its own price,

And that price was getting high and higher that he was being threatened by the gangsters, so his dirty mind knit's an evil plan and asked these gangster that he can provide them the price they want but in a different from, he decided to sell his own son as a sex toy for having pleasure for a particular time, now he was also sexually abusing me, he would only do this when the close is clear. When my mom is at work and I am at school, he would call me early at home while making an excuse to my principal about my health or sometimes his. The first time he called me for this was when I was only fourteen and I got home he was there with is other man, and he forcefully asked me to dress up like a girl and when I resisted him he beats the crap out of me and threats me that he will kill mom and bury her in the backyard, I cried and begged him for mercy, but that was not my father it was a devil under a human's skin and his Conscience were suppressed by the drugs that he take and the lust for money made him blind and I was the prey that these predator took away.

This was the dark secret that I kept hidden from mom, but nothing can hide longer, as so it discloses in front of my mother's eyes. As one day she came home earlier from work and dad didn't knew that she entered the house and witnessed this devilish act in front of her eyes as I was suffering and my dad was filming the whole seen to earn his money. She stood tall in front of my dad and fought him, she even tried to call the cops but then he puts a sharp knife on my next and warns her, if she uttered any word on the phone he will kill me, but the call was made and even the cops responded our call but mom made an simple excuse and even apologies for the falls alarm, but little did they know that the hell was raising in our house.

Days pass by as mom tried to take few steps to take divorce from dad but the court needed all the legalization and half of the documents were missing, dad never showed his original identity card as it was expired long time ago, it could back fire and mom took me that if she will take this to the court they will take me away and keep me in the orphanage.

Leo: "please sir! Help me and Mom, I don't want to lose mom"

Officer: "Oh lord! Don't worry boy everything is going to be ok now."             


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