Chapter 7: A Favor in Debit

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Andrew's point of view

Next day, opened my eyes at seven o clock, I noticed the alarm on my phone didn't rang on time, so I looked at my phone, it was dead, I cursed the darn thing and when I checked the charging cable I forgot to switch it on that night, how silly of me, now there was no cell phone until it get charged enough so that I can make a call.

I also checked on Walle, he had took off early for his college, I got ready for the day and heard Mrs. McLaren doing dishes downstairs, So I got down to the breakfast table, she had made me some boiled eggs and some coffee, I thanked her for that lovely breakfast and got back to my room to see if it is charged a bit, so that I can use it. As I got to my room I checked it was only twenty percent charged and the thing alarming me was that it has ten missed calls from Sam, Ho boy I was in trouble, as expected he had found about the accident that happened last night,

I left for work and got to my check point, to explain myself what happened that night, Sam was standing right near my cab, subbed under cover, he looked quite peaceful which seemed a good thing but before every storm there is this strange silence.

Andrew: "Hey, Sam let me explain first! My phone was not charged it was dead, that why I didn't pick up your calls..."

Sam: "Ah Ah ah stop, its ok!"

Andrew: "what! It's ok, really"

Sam: "yea its fine really, I am happy," 

Andrew: "yea man I am sorry about the dent, I will pay for that and I am going to fix it,"

Sam: "Ah no, you don't have to pay for that anymore, really you don't want to waste money on something that you had,"

Andrew: Oh Well, Wait I am sorry, did you just said "I had"?

Sam: "Yes I did,"

Andrew: "hey, my cab is still mine, it is still there,"  

Sam: "Oh no, you don't have to worry about your cab, because I found a new guy, he is always on time, do not ruin my bingo night and yea of course he don't drive like a maniac."

Andrew: "What! No, let me explain please..."

Sam: "Shuu ... stop with this whining, I was going to fire you anyways"

Andrew:  No, Sam I can explain, please I need this job and I will pay for the dent,"

Sam: "Well sometimes we don't get what we really need, just like me, I always wanted a baby hamster when I was a kid, but my stupid dad got me a freaking chameleon, have a good day.... At home"

Soon I realized that there is something wrong in this society, the world that we are living in is contained with three types of people, one those who are good, second are those who are bad and third are the type of people who does not have any social interaction, they seemed to be living in the same society but there presence neither benefit nor puts the society in danger in short incomprehensible people. Sam was well aware of my financial state as I have to pay for the rent and have to pay for Walle's college fee, losing this job was the end of this recently getting stable life, I pleaded to Sam not to do that, but he was ignorant just like this life that I have got,

As I walked away from that place I soon started to feel that my soul is being crushed and contained in to a compact vile that restrains me from living on, as I reached home, this time earlier than Walle. Mrs. McLaren got shocked to see me this early, she was tensed and soon asked me what had happened and why did I come home so soon, as per my situation, I was not in a mood to talk about anything, just wanted to go to my bed room and lock myself in, I passed a smile and then quickly walked away from her and in to my room, I closed the door and support my back on to the other side of the door to close it, I slowly slipped my back down on to the ground while sticking to the door, now slowly my eyes getting filled with tears, that fall off when getting over weighted and leaving a cold spot on my cheeks and my head bowed down between my fold arms and bend knees.

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