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Walle's point of you

Allison: "Waaalllee... Waaalllee ... Waaakkee upp (In an Echoing and compact tone)

I opened my eyes breaking up from a deep sleep, saw mom trying to wake me up, as I can listen her in my sleep as well, took a minute to come back to my senses, I thanked GOD, I never did that before, it's a new think that got into me, that life itself taught me to be thankful for every bit of life that I see around myself every day, so I woke up to this, mother seems excited and wanted me to get off the bed,

I jumped off the bed and followed her, she took me to the backyard and asked me to close my eyes...

Walle: "But, MOM!"

Allison: "Just come over here and close your eyes, no peeking,"

Walle: "What is it?"

Allison: "you remember that day? When you showed me that bike you liked."

Walle: "well ya,"

Allison: "I was saving some money, now open those eyes,"

Walle: "WOW!" (Amazed)

Allison: "A gift I always wanted to give you,"

Walle: "But mom! Why would you do that?"

Allison: "because that old bike cycle was making that annoying sound that I can not stand anymore,"

Walle: "haha, what?"

Allison: "You deserved this and there is no way my son is going to college on an old bicycle"

Walle: "Thank You mom! I love you"

Allison: "I Love you more"

I found it astonishing that no matter the odds were, Mother never let go of a moment to bring smile on my face by the fact she is turning week day by day, but she never let it come on her face, never gets angry or abuse me or dad, she is stronger than she looks and I am proud of that, She does not fear death, as she always as why to live in fear of something that is inevitable.

We took off for a walk at the old river park, thanks to fall the path was carpeted by the dead leaves of the sugar maple, the dry breeze and mist turned this walk into a scene of old hit from 90,s film, I brought some M&M's along with me, mother and I sat on the bench near the river bank, we could hear the ducks making quaking sound, I could hear someone playing an acoustic guitar somewhere near us, I almost eat all the M&M, but saved the red ones for mom and passed her those ...

Allison: "everything looks so pretty and peaceful doesn't  it?"

Walle: "ya it does, there is no crowd around that's why,"

Allison: "ya, this place has ran out of people I can see that,"

Walle: "mom it's November no body want to go out in cold,"

Allison: "hum ... is it, because the last time I was here, I remember this place was crowded with families and couples that came here to spend some good time and it was November as well,"

Walle: "and you still remember the exact day, How come?"

Allison: "It was a day I cannot forget, the day I met your father here in this park by that bridge"

Walle: "Wow! It must be a magical feeling for you,"

Allison; "yes indeed, it was"

Walle: "well speaking of dad I just got a message from him, he's on his way"

Allison: "Is he coming here?"

Walle: "Ya I told him we are here,"

Mom ate all the M&M that I gave her and then I wanted to surprise her with a gift, so I reached the pocket inside my coat, I found out there was a hole in my pocket I disorderly stand up and start to search for my gift that I bought for her, I was looking here and there until ...

Walle: "Ohh, No noo not now," (in distress)

Allison: "What happened walle,"

Walle: "No, No why this thing always happens to me," (In a wining voice)

Allison: "Now, come here what's wrong"

Walle: "I got you something, it was going to be a surprise, but now I lost it"

Allison: "Ok, I know what you are talking about, here you go, I found at the door way when we were leaving the house"

Walle: "What! You found it!"

Allison: "Ya and I promise that I did not opened it,"

Walle: "Oh, man I wanted to surprise you,"

Allison: "and I was surprised to find a present on my doorstep, come give it to me now,"

Walle: mom ... hahah, ok here you go!

Mom opens up her present and she finds the locket that I got her from a gift shop, I placed both the pictures of me and dad in it, as to be with her all the time anywhere she goes we will be there with her and she will be with us, we sat there and she replied to this...

Allison: "It's beautiful!"

Walle: "Ya, I am glad you liked it,"

Allison: "I loved it, thank you honey, now you will be with me all the time!

She embraced me so tight that I can feel the heat of that fever, that she have from this morning, and a sweet fragrance that only comes from mom and I can get her presence around the house whenever she comes in the house, but that moment I wanted to get freeze in time and I will never let her go, this was the longest and the warmest hug that I ever got from her, while hugging her I whispered in her ear,

Walle: "I wish this was a dream and you will wake me up and everything would be normal again, I don't want to let you go"

Walle: "Mom please don't leave us like this,"

Walle: "I believe in miracles, don't you?"

Walle: "Mom?"

Walle: "MOM!? What happen!

I suddenly noticed that mom was not replying, I pull her back from my shoulder to see her face, there was blood dripping off her nose and on to my coat, I was losing my senses, I dropped my phone while making a call to 911, I tried to reach out to people, I shouted as loud as I can to find some help,

Walle: Hellppp! Hellppp! Help me!!! Somebody... (Roaring)

Walle: No, no no mom, Stay with me, please, PLEASE!

I heard a siren of an ambulance, I glanced at the people running in, and the medic bring in the stretcher and I started to lose my breath and then...

Author's point of view

Both Allison and Walle were transported to the nearest hospital, walle got fainted by seeing so much going on in front of him and lost it, whereas Allison had a lot of blood lose and she was kept on the ventilator and had gone in a coma due to brain tissues being damage badly by the tumor, both of them lying in the same room of the hospital, on different bed sided by side, Andrew sitting on an uncomfortable chair next to them tensed and traumatized by the situation, when he noticed that Walle was now awake and start calling for Allison...

Walle: "MOM! MOM..." (Shocked)

Andrew: "Walle shhh, I am here, calm down,'

Walle: "But dad mom! Where is she? I want her, where is she?" (Curious)

Andrew: "Sshhh, She is sleeping, she is right there"

Walle: "Oh my God mom, No..." (Crying)

Andrew: "Its ok, we got this ..."


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