chapter 1

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No one's POV :

10 years ago : 

- "Taae Taeee look look at  what i made ! a snow man ! " the eight year's old boy with a black hair exlaimed to his friend with the caramel locks . apparently both were wrapped with thick cloths  making some werid forms with snow in jungkook's house garden  .

- "hahaha kook that's a monster man not a snow man ! i've never seen a man with that kind of apparence .. ? "  said teahyung while building his own snow man .

-" ughhh hyung don't be a meanny ! it's easy for you to build a snow man you have thick gloves ! not like me i'm shivering here !! " jungkook said  while pouting .

- " it's not me who said ' who will build the best snow man will have the other's bar chocolate ' and who am i to say no to your competitive-self since i know very well i'll win you easily  ..." teahyung said with a mischievous grin .

and then a snow ball out of bleu hit teahyung 's head  . 

- " ouutch jungkook !! that hurts ! " Teahyung said  and snapped with another snow ball ; a bigger one if i may say . and the war started like that , they kept giggling and playing with snow for hours until Mms jeon found them and force them to enter home to warm up . and that's how they end up with flu , red noses and pinky cheeks , wrapped with a tick blanket in jungkook bed .

- " i can't belive you both ! i told you several times do not throw snow on eachother ! you will get sick ! " said Mme jeon while giving the both of them tow cup of hot choclate  to warm their chivering bodies and  bleu lips . 

- " auntii he's the one who started it ! " said teahyung defending himself which results Mme jeon to send galres at her shivering son . 

- " b but moom he was teasing  mee  .." jungkook said looking down .  . 

-  " stop it you tow already ,  and teahyung i will call your mother  asking her permission so  you can  stay over it's already late and you are cold i'm not sending you out   , hold on i'll bring you a soft matress cover  "  

- "  YES ! hyung you are staying ! it's been a while since you stayed over tae , i really miss cuddling with you  ! "  said jungkook with poutty lips  

- " aw yeah ? well i don't miss that at all ! remember when you gave me a black eye that day ! you kick and throw your hands while sleeping  a lot ! i'm not sleeping with you in the bed karate kid thanks for the offer " said teahyung while preparing his mini bed on the flour with serious face .

- " noo ! tae please  please sleep beside me i promise i won't kick you nor give you a black eye like the other day , plus i apologised a lot and it was just one time thing !! " the raven hair exlaimes trying hard to supress his smile and giving a serious pleading puppy eyes .  

2 weeks ago teahyung  stayed over to help the little one at his math's home work  ; because jungkook is just really suck at it and since his hyung alwayse score a full marks on math , he always come to help him to prepare for his  exams  ; the day after teahyung woke up with a  koala with coconut black  head clinging on him and a black eyes ! the both freaked out ; jungkook felt bad at the very beginging but when the both stand up in front of the mirror  jungkook couldn't hold it anymore and he laughed his head off ! the sight of teahyung with a crazy hair and a black eyes was just too much to him . the injury faded away quickly because it was't that serious but teahyung never slept again over . not because of the incident , he was just too busy with exams  .. 

Fighting For Dominance  -VKOOK-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora