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— Ειρήνη / Erin —

It wasn't very often that I set aside my research, and simply indulged myself in a little... fun. But it did happen, from time to time. That's how I found myself on a fold-out couch, surrounded by about a dozen naked women, absolutely dominating them all in a game of MarioKart.

I crossed the finish line first, and stood up straight, bowing sarcastically. "I believe, ladies, that that means I am top in the next round? I'll have to go refuel, if that's how it's going to be, I'm running on empty." I laughed, and padded into the kitchen, fishing in the fridge for a snack.

A crash out back made me pause, and I hummed, looking through the kitchen window. A glow was coming from behind the shed, and pulsing slightly, like a faulty flashlight.

"Hey, Brenda? You have nosy neighbors or something?" I called over my shoulder, keeping an eye on it as I pulled on my shoes and pants, leaving my top unbuttoned for now. The sight of my generous helping of breasts might distract any opponents of mine long enough for an advantage.

"Neighbors? Honey, this is a Ranch, we don't have neighbors!" The owner of the house laughed.

"Well... who would be behind your shed, then? I'll check it out." I frowned, and grabbed my gun belt, wrapping my hips with it and opening the back door quietly.

She entered the kitchen, and saw what I was talking about, raising an eyebrow. "Well... that is odd, yes. I'll stay over here and have your back with my Tom, yeah? Yell if you need help." She pulled a large bolt action rifle off the wall, loading a round and bracing it against her shoulder calmly.

"I weep for the level of concern you show for me." I quipped dryly, and started walking, my colt already drawn and the safety under my thumb.

"Don't cry over her, I'll kiss you alllll better when you get back!" One of the other girls laughed, then retreated back into the living room.

I chuckled and then snuck up to the side of the shed, listening to the strange humming sound that hadn't stopped, but was instead getting softer. 'Strange... alright, here goes...' I turned the corner, and blinked slowly at the glowing tunnel-like structure constructed of golden light that was sitting in front of me.

I hummed, curious. "Uhm... hey, Brenda? You ever build a weird... tunnel back here?"

She piped up from across the lawn as the tunnel began to slowly close, to my surprise. "Yeah, no? You playing games with me, woman?!?"

"No... I'll check it out, gimme a mo..." I holstered my weapon, approaching the tunnel and entering it slowly, pressing a hand to the side to test its elasticity. "Hard Light? Curious... it's only a theory, as of yet... that is actually rather intriguing... I don't suppose a sample would be too rude of me..." I used my knife to attempt to chip at a piece of the wall, and a small crack appeared, a piece about the size of my fingernail falling into my hand.

I grinned at the curious texture, not unlike sandstone, but saw something odd, on the other side, like an umbra material, so dark it seemed to absorb light, making it nearly invisible. "Where did you come from..." I mused, then looked up, and gasped in shock as I peered through the hole in the tunnel's wall.

My eyes transported me into an abyss so deep and dark it baffled even my inquisitive mind, and yet, as I focused, I could see the network of connections, like the trellises under a bridge, a support system made equally of light and shadow.

I reeled back, shaking my head. "Light and Shadow? What kinda bullshit am I thinking now? I've been reading too many of my own books..." I glanced back at the entrance, and yelled as I saw it was almost entirely closed, barely big enough for my hand. It closed that last bit, and then started collapsing, forcing me towards the other end, but I clutched that little piece of hard-light in my hand so hard it cut my palm, sprinting towards the other side.

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