Twenty Nine.

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sorry this took so long to post, lowkey forgot abt it and just found it in my drafts.

the whole last chapter, the only thing i could thing about was this photo:

the whole last chapter, the only thing i could thing about was this photo:

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enjoy this chapter.


third person pov

tyler woke up first the next day. it was beautiful saturday morning. the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, everything was fine, but something still felt off to him. as much as he wanted to believe everything was fine, it still felt like there was something he was missing. he got out of bed and headed out of the bedroom, giving josh one last look. he looked like he was at total peace while sleeping.

he walked into his kitchen, dragging his feet on the hardwood floor. he poured himself a cup of coffee  after taking a sip, i put the mug down and went to go get the mail.

"bills, coupons, bills... what's this?" he said staring at a letter. it had no return address, nothing. tyler opened it up to reveal a letter. it read:

"dear ty,
               i'm out . meet me at the columbus park. 9pm. come alone."

"it was matty. it had to be." thought tyler.

just then, josh walked from the bedroom, rubbing his eyes. "oh, there you are! i thought you left" he laughed. i quickly shoved the letter behind my back. "what's that?" josh asked.

tyler, wide eyed, didn't want to tell him but knew he had to. "i don't know. i got it in the mail. i think it might be from matty but i'm not sure."

"ty, what do you mean from matty? he - i thought he was in jail?" josh asked.

"i don't know, josh. it didn't say a name. here, you look." tyler said as he reached his arm out to hand him the letter.

josh took it and read it. he squinted his eyes as he saw it. "'come alone'  he read aloud. "tyler, you're not thinking of actually going, are you?"

"no , no . of course not." his voice trailed off. he was shaking.

"come here." josh said starting to walk towards him. josh pulled him into a hug. tyler leaned his head into josh's shoulder. josh put his pointer finger under tyler's chin and lifted up his head. "you're gonna be okay, it'll all be okay. i'm here" and then kissed his forehead gently. "i promise."

"thank you." tyler said, starting to smile. a single tear fell down his cheek.



word count: 422 words


hey sorry this took so long n all but imma start writing more thank u love u

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