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tylers pov

i slid on my black skinny jeans followed by my floral shirt and converse. after that i grabbed my bag that was filled with makeup. i put a bit of foundation to cover the black eye. luckily, that was the only bruise still there. finally i brushed my hair and teeth. looking in the mirror, I realized i didn't look like a total mess. i grabbed my keys, locked the door and started walking next door.

within the first knock the boy was at the door.

"h-hey, im tyler joseph. i live next door with my boyfriend matty." i said, maybe a little too fast. i don't know. ugh, this boy is so cute. his hair is so bright and his smile. wow, his smile is so gorgeous. what felt like a few minutes but was only about a second passed and he started to reply.

"oh, hi! im joshua, joshua dun. you can just call me josh though!" he replied enthusiastically.

"josh, i like your name! it's really nice to meet you!" i said, trying to sound more confident.

"my house isn't really fixed up and clean but you can come in if you'd like!" he said with a convincing smile. oh my god, did i mention his smile, god damn it.

"id love to."

after the short reply, i walked into his house. it was similar to how mine was set up, two bedrooms, one kitchen, one bathroom, one living room. pretty simple.

"so, tyler joseph, tell me about yourself." he said as he sat down.

i pondered for a second before i started talking. "well, i like bands, food, pizza rolls, and animals. although, I don't have any more pets because matty is alergic."

"oh, thats cool! what bands do you like?" josh asked.

"hm, well, i like green day, blink-182, metallica, weezer, panic! at the disco, and a few others."

"i love all of those bands too!" he yelled, but it wasn't an angry yell like matty's screams. it was a happy or excited one. it was nice.

"really! oh my god." i said as we both laughed.

josh looked up in thought. "what about your favorite color? favorite ice cream flavor? sexuality? holiday? pronouns? season? favorite animal? pepsi or coke? how old are you? what's your favorite hobby?"

"well, my favorite color is black. my favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream. im gay." i giggled, i don't know why. "my favorite holiday is christmas. my pronouns are actually he/they. my favorite season would have to be," i paused to think. "ooh! fall. i love fall. my favorite animal is a dog. i like coke better, obviously. pepsi tastes weird ever since they changed the ingredients. im 25, but i'll be 26 on december 1st. and last but not least, i love to make music, like sing, play piano, ukulele, bass. stuff like that. how about you?"

"hm, well i guess im gonna have to say my favorite color is yellow, at the moment. i also like cookies and cream. im very homosexual as well." I smiled when he said that and he began to chuckle. "my favorite holiday is halloween. i go by he/him pronouns. my favorite season is fall too. my favorite animal would have to be cats. I love cats. i prefer coca-cola. i just turned 26 last week. and I also make music, except I play the drums and trumpet. i also learned the recorder in fourth grade."

"happy belated birthday, joshua. i can already tell that were gonna be great friends."



6.18.17 (happy birthday, josh)

word count: 608 words.

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