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tyler's pov

i drove about 1/4 of the way there and then realized i needed to stop for gas. i pulled over at a gas station/mini mart (a/n: i was gonna say wawa but they don't have wawa in ohio, smh) i pulled my car closer to the gas thing and took my keys out of the ignition. after grabbing my phone and keys, i opened the drivers side door and stepped out. once i got inside the mini mart, i realized i finished my old redbull and i needed a new one. after grabbing one from the refrigerated area, i went to pay for my gas and my redbull. handing the cashier the money, i glanced out to the window to see a clear view of a man trying to take my car.

"shit." i yelled. i ran outside, not grabbing my redbull or my change.

by the time i reached gas thingy, the car was already hot wired and half way down the street. i frowned. all of my clothes were in there. i walked back into the mini mart and dialed 911. i told them all of the information such as what my license plate number is and everything else they needed to know.

it was only about 9:15. i doubted that my parents were up yet but i figured it was worth a shot to try and call. i dialed their number and waited. after four rings, nothing. i sighed.

"as if this day hadn't been shitty enough." i muttered, looking down at the water drops that slowly fell from my cold redbull can. i opened the can and took a small sip.

i had no one else. i didn't know what to do or who to call. then the idea popped into my mind. i could call josh. i had a gloomy look on my face, but i decided to do it. he was the only other person i had besides my parents. i sighed and grabbed my phone from my lap.

after dialing the number i waited and on the second ring, i heard a "hello."

"josh?!" i yelled, surprised to hear him up so early.

"tyler!" he screamed. "what's up?"

"so um, my car kinda sorta got stolen and you're the only one i have to call." i said, sounding sad.

"ty? are you hurt? what happened? how did they?" ugh i'm so sorry!" josh said.

"i-i know t-this is a l-l-lot to ask but can y-you please c-come get m-me?" i asked

"of course!" josh yelled into the phone.

"t-thank you. i don't know what i-i'm gonna do about my p-parents. i told them i would come and now i'm not. it just sucks because they were looking forward to it."

"tyler don't be silly, ill take you to your parents house." josh said, i could basically hear his smile through the phone.

"j-josh i couldn't ask you for that." i felt bad by now.

"that's the thing, you didn't ask. i told you i was gonna drive you down there." josh grinned.

"thank you so much, josh. i lo-" i stopped there, ready to correct myself. " i-i really appr-appreciate this."

"it's not a problem."

"well i'm not gonna make you drive all the way back, you can stay with me up there! l-like me a-and my p-parents." i offered.

"tyler, i wouldn't wanna intrude. it's your family." josh answered.

"joshie, if it weren't for you, i would probably be dead. you are family. please, stay with me while i'm there, it's the least i can do." i added, hoping he would stay there with me.

"fine, ill pack a bag." i smiled intensely when josh agreed. "do you want me to get a few things from your house?"

"oh my god, yes, please. also, i have an extra iphone charger next to my tv. can you please grab that too? i left my charger in the car." i asked.

"yeah, of course. where is the key?"

"under the mat." i replied. "you're a lifesaver."

josh let out a soft chuckle and grinned. "text me the address you're at, okay?"

"will do."

"i lo-" josh stopped himself, just like i did. "ill be there soon." and with that, josh hung up.




word count: 734 words

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