Thirty Four.

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tylers pov:

*a few hours later*

josh was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, he went straight into surgery. after a few hours went by, his surgeon finally came out. i stood up , praying to hear some good news .

he spoke with a deep voice, "hello mr. joseph, josh is doing okay. luckily the knife wasn't in a spot to make any huge problems, so he will be okay!"

i took a deep breath and felt the biggest relief . "thank you so much , doctor."

"it's no problem! we're thinking maybe give him a few days to a week to see how he's doing and then he should be able to go home."

"awesome, thank you so much, again." i paused, "when can i see him?"

the doctor smiled, "i can take you back right now. he's probably still asleep but he should wake up within the hour."

"thank you." i said gratefully as i entered josh's room.

i sat down in the chair next to his bed and held his hand. i dropped my head in my hands on the side of his bed . i couldn't believe this happened and it's all my fault, josh would never have been hurt if i didn't meet up with matty.

"ty?" josh asked with a low voice.

it took me a few seconds to realize that he was awake, "josh ! hey babe. how do you feel?"

"i'm good," he laughed, then coughed. "what happened?"

"matty w-was trying to come after me , but then you stopped him and he stabbed you. i'm so s-sorry baby i n-never meant for this to hap-"

"ty, ty, it's okay. i'm okay! don't even worry about me. are you alright?" josh asked in a careful voice .

"y-yea, i'm okay. i'm just glad you're okay." i said with a sigh. "the doctor said you should be able to get out of here in a few days or maybe a week at most. i was thinking i could run home and grab you a few things ?"

"yea, that would be great babe . thank you. but ty, before you leave," josh took my hand. "this whole thing has showed me how much i really love you and i want you to move in with me, if you want to."

"i love you so much, of course i'll move in with you" i said before i kissed him. i could feel him smiling. "okay babe, i'll be right back, get some rest."

"okay". josh smiled as he watched me leave the room.

this kid really makes me happy.


hiiiii guys !!!! how's ur quarantine ? mine is particularly boring but it's okay. i hope you all are staying safe n eating good. i'm sorry it's been a min since i last posted but i didn't think about writing until today soooo yes! more chapters should be coming soon, i'm sorry for the wait ! i love you guys stay healthy.

497  words

april 9, 2020

-m <3

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