Chapter Fifteen (Fourteen part 2)

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"Prysm, has your little sister gotten over her nightmares yet?" Whisper asked.

"No, sorry. They've actually gotten worse over the summer." Prysm answered.

"What's wrong with her sister's nightmares?" I asked, "Other than the fact that nightmares are horrifying?"

"My little sister, Xylar, gets nightmares and wakes me up to sing her a lullaby that's been passed down for generations upon generations." Prysm told me. 

"And that's a problem?" I asked her.

"When its the same song waking you up at midnight every night, you get tired of it very quickly." Persephone said. 

"Can't she just take some sleeping drought and sleep the night dreamless?" I asked.

"It's not allowed at Ilvermorny. Only if it is for health purposes, diagnosed by our hospital head." Whisper said from her quiet part of the room, "And I don't find the lullaby an issue. Prysm is an amazing singer and guitarist and the song is beautiful."

Only a moment after, a little girl bargedinto the room and walked over to Prysm's bed and crawling in.

"Raven, this is Xylar, my little sister." Prysm introduced while opening a case holding a large object.

She took the object out and brought it over to her bed, sitting at her sisters side. She dragged her thumb across the strings and it produced a sound I've never heard.

"What is that?" I asked, curious.

I had never seen anything like that, in person or in books.

"It's a guitar. You've never seen one?" Persephone asked.

I shook my head. I looked over at Xylar, who had the bed sheets up to her nose and stared at me. 

"Ready for bed?" Prysm asked her sister.

She broke eye contact with me and looked back at Prysm. She nodded and Prysm dragged her thumb across the strings on the guitar again. I listened as Prysm sang to her sister. I watched as the other girls mouth the words to the song. 

"Oh won't you come with me, where the moon is made of gold, and in the morning sun, we'll be sailing. Oh won't you come with me, where the ocean meets the sky, and as the clouds roll by, we'll sing the song of the sea."

This song. Where have I heard it before? I know I've heard it before, but where?
 As Prysm finished singing, she looked down at her sleeping sister. 

"Works every time." Everyone whispered at the same time, followed by all of them laughing.

"Wow you really do this everyday?" I asked Prysm.

"Yeah, she's horrified at night. Now, she's going to stay until morning and leave as if nothing happened." She sighed, putting her guitar away.

We all got ready and in our beds. 

"So has anyone eavesdropped on some drama?" Persephone asked us. 

"I heard that Sage Hawkes and Charles Zeal are an item now," Whisper told her, "I saw them holding hands during the sorting."

"The Pukwudgies? Those two are a match made in Heaven. They're both lunatics." Persephone laughed.

"Gotta say, they're both pretty looking people, but that's it. No brains. Except Charles is really good a whipping up some poison ivy paste if you get any ivy rashes. Sage is just good at Herbology class, that's it." Prysm added.

"I also heard that Kara Glen got an scholarship at some wizarding teacher's university. With her brains, she'll be back here and be the youngest teacher at Ilvermorny since the school opened in 1634." Whisper said. 

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