Worth It

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King's Version

"The rings!" Gerda yells down the hall. "Where are the rings? The ceremony starts in less than an hour! We can't have the Queen of Arendelle being married without a ring! The other nations would never let it go!"

Kai firmly places his hands on the handmaid's shoulders and gives her a much-needed shake. "Calm down, woman!"

"But-But the rings-"

"Are with the ring bearer. Now, take a deep breath and go check on the queen and princess. They could probably use your help getting ready. Princess Anna is hardly the most organised person in the world and I'm sure Queen Elsa will be nervous."

Relaxing, Gerda nods. "You're right. I'll see to the girls. You see to the staff. Agreed?"


Gerda rushes to the royal dressing room and is surprised to hear laughter from inside. "Your Majesties?" she says, knocking. "How are you both doing?"

"Come in, Gerda," says Anna cheerfully.

"Yes," Elsa chimes in. "Please, join us."

Curious, the handmaid opens the door to find both sisters still in their undergarments and sharing a box of chocolates.

Anna offers the box to Gerda. "Want one?" she asks with a mouthful of the rich confectionery.

"No," says the older woman, panicking slightly. "Thank you. Shouldn't you girls be dressed by now?"

Elsa glances at the grandfather clock and gasps. "The time!"

Anna notices and almost drops the chocolates. "Oh, Elsa, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to distract you." Her shoulders slouch in the most crestfallen way possible. "Some maid of honour I've turned out to be. You were so amazing at my wedding, so composed. I just wish I could be as-"

"Anna." Smiling and shaking her head, Elsa pulls her sister in for a hug. "I wouldn't change you for the world."

The princess's eyes widen in surprise. "Really?"

"Really," the queen affirms. "You're my sister. My perfectly clumsy, beautiful sister."

Gesturing to the mannequins upon which Elsa and Anna's gowns are on display, Gerda clears her throat impatiently.

The sisters brace themselves.

Meanwhile, in yours and Elsa's bedroom - where it was decided you would be dressed - Kristoff is giving you some words of encouragement as you stare nervously into the mirror.

It's his duty, after all. He's the best man!

Your suit is magnificent, made with only the finest materials available. Fit for a king.

White jacket with gold-coloured epaulettes, a dark blue sash and black leather belt. Matching dark blue trousers and a pair of the smartest black dress shoes you've ever seen.

Instead of the traditional neat side parting of other Arendelle grooms, your white hair has been slicked back and - by Elsa the night before - frozen in place.

This formal getup. It's so not you.

"Hey, relax," says your best man, uncomfortably adjusting his own attire. "You look great. I mean it. You'll be fine. You deserve this."

Thinking of your bride, you smile, immediately feeling confident. "I do deserve this, don't I? Elsa and I both do. She deserves to be happy more than anyone."

Kristoff grins. "That's what I want to hear."

The two of you finish getting ready and head out to the courtyard, where Sven and the sled await to transport you to the chapel.

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon