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When you regain consciousness, you discover you're completely immobile. "What-What's going on?"

You're aching everywhere. You should be dead.

Wondering where the ice pillar went, you remember the sorceress and realise you've been placed under an incapacitation spell.

"Ah, finally," she purrs, the sound of her shoes striking the ice with each step making your hair stand on end. "Just in time."

She's creeping you out. Just in time for what?

"I much prefer my meals alive."

Your eyes widen. Does she really mean what you think she means?

The sorceress bursts out laughing. "Your face," she says, unable to compose herself. "I'm messing with you, you idiot." She still looks exactly like Elsa, so to be insulted by her is surprisingly more hurtful than you'd expect. "I still plan on killing you, though. Don't doubt that for a second."

You gulp. "Is this because I ran out on you at the sauna a couple days ago?"

Her amusement vanishes. "Don't flatter yourself," she sneers. "If you believe I could ever be interested in someone like you, you're sorely mistaken."

Ouch. That was harsh.

She presses the blade of her knife to your cheek and smirks.

You're too drained to fight back. Both physically and emotionally.

You're not sure you could lay a finger on her, anyway. Not while she resembles Elsa.

Almost resigned to your impending doom, you clench your eyes shut. You can't bear this imposter distorting your memories of Elsa's face, especially if it's the last thing you'll ever see.

"King Rafe sends his regards, by the way."

Hearing this, you snap out of it and grit your teeth.

Rafe. What on Earth does that guy have to gain by ordering an assassin after you? You know he wanted Elsa, but-

Elsa! Is she okay? Is she safe? What if that psychopath has hurt her while you've been gone? How could you be so foolish as to have left her in his company?

Fuelled by your determination to protect her, you find the will to struggle, to fight for your life.

"Don't bother," says the sorceress, drawing blood from your cheek. "It's futile."

You don't care. Elsa could be in danger.

"Fine." She raises the blade over you. "Die writhing on the ground like an animal."

You can't give up. You won't. Elsa!

A roar tears through the ice palace, startling the sorceress into losing her grip on the knife.

It lands barely an inch from your face.

"Leave friend alone!"

Marshmallow is awake.

"But how?" utters the sorceress, dumbfounded. "My spell..."

"Magic no work on me!" he roars, charging towards her. "I born from Mama's magic!"

Wait. So Marshmallow was merely asleep this entire time?

You aren't certain whether to feel relieved or exasperated.

The snowman swipes at the sorceress, knocking her into a wall and dazing the woman.

Her incapacitation spell wears off as a result.

You're free!

You grab the knife and tackle her to the floor.

She stares up at you with Elsa's blue eyes and fakes a fearful expression. "Please," she says in a voice eerily similar to the original owner's.

You remind yourself it's just an illusion spell. You're about to plunge the knife into her heart...but you hesitate.

She takes advantage of this and blasts you with a concentrated form of sorcery.

The pain is excruciating as it strikes you, burning holes in your clothes and blistering your skin.

Marshmallow rushes over to defend you.

The sorceress is on her feet. She realises she won't win against him without the use of her spells.

"We'll meet again," she hisses, before dashing out to the balcony and over the railings.

You have no idea how anyone would survive jumping from such a height. But then, being a magical individual, the laws of gravity probably don't apply to her in the same way.

You're incensed knowing it was Rafe who sent her.

Thinking of Elsa, you force yourself to stand.

Marshmallow taps you on the shoulder to get your attention. "Friend," he says.


"Who nasty woman and why she look like Mama?"

You open your mouth to explain when you hear a knock at the main doors on the ice palace's ground level.

Marshmallow growls.

"Shh. Easy," you say. "Be calm."

You listen to the doors being pushed open, followed by footsteps, then Anna and Kristoff's voices calling your name.

"My friends!" you exclaim.

Marshmallow folds his arms. "Me thought I was your friend."

"Of course you are," you say, grinning. "But so are they. Come on!"

The two of you proceed downstairs.

"Anna! Kristoff!" You nearly slip as you run towards them. "How'd you know I was here?"

You embrace both of them as if you haven't seen either in years.

"Oaken," responds Kristoff, gulping as he notices Marshmallow and remembering their previous encounter. He then sees your injuries and damaged clothes. "What happened?"

You tell him and Anna about the sorceress, that Rafe ordered her to assassinate you.

Anna is being unusually quiet, her expression serious.

"Something wrong?" you ask her.

She nods. "It's Elsa."

Your chest tightens. You're not breathing.

"She's getting married to Rafe in two days."

You can hear your own heartbeat slamming in your ears. Time is moving slower. Why would Elsa-

"He's blackmailing her," Anna says, "threatening to kill people like me and you if she doesn't. You're the only one who can stop it."

Now it makes sense, why she ended it with you so suddenly, so cruelly.

You hate yourself for believing she could ever be capable of such heartless behaviour.

Outraged and determined, your eyes are fixed on the giant snowman at your side.

"Marshmallow," you say, "let's go save Mama."

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now