Frozen Heart

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The sun is rising by the time Elsa manages to compose herself.

She returns to her bedroom and slumps tiredly into a chair, her usual elegance abandoned.

She can't help but gaze at your sleeping face.

You're smiling, hugging a pillow as you dream.

She sighs and traces her eyes down to the teeth-shaped scar on your arm. The fact that you sustained it while protecting her makes the idea of ending your relationship even more harrowing.

She chokes back a guilty sob, accidentally waking you.

"Elsa?" you yawn, rubbing your eyes.

You glance at the massive diamond-paned window and see the sky is still quite dark.

You hear a sniffle. Elsa is drying her eyes on her nightgown sleeve.

Alarmed, you practically throw yourself out of bed and clamber over to the chair she's sitting in, dropping to your knees as you take her hands in yours.

"What's wrong?" you ask desperately. "Please, Elsa. Talk to me."

The queen looks away and withdraws her hands from your grasp.

You don't understand. Why does she not want you to touch her? Is she afraid of her powers harming you while her emotions are unstable? Or have you upset her somehow?

Her eyes are bloodshot and have dark circles around them. She clearly hasn't slept much.

"Just let me in," you say. "Don't freeze me out. Please."

"I can't," she responds, her voice cracking. "We can't..."

Your eyes widen. "Can't what?"

Ice spreading across the chair, Elsa takes a deep breath. To protect you, she has to do this.

"I can't be with you anymore," she says coldly. "It's over."

Her words inflict a type of agony you've never experienced. It's as if she's reached into your chest and frozen your heart with her bare hands. At least, that's how you'd describe it.

"Wh-What do you mean you can't be with me? Where's this coming from?" You think of Rafe. "It's because you're worried that king will tell everyone your consort is a commoner, isn't it? I thought you said-"

"I know what I said. But I've changed my mind. Arendelle isn't ready for us being together. And neither am I."

You can't speak. There's a lump in your throat.

Elsa can't bring herself to look at you. "You should probably go."

Tearful, you do exactly that.

You stagger down the hall as you make your way back to your bedroom, unable to believe what's happened.

Your heart hurts. Your head hurts. Your everything hurts.

"Something the matter, peasant?"

Rafe is leaning against the doorframe of the room he's staying in, arms folded and a giant smirk plastered across that irritatingly chiselled face of his.

"This is all your fault!" you yell, glaring at him with tears streaming down your cheeks.

The king realises Elsa must've ended it with you. "Why, whatever do you mean?" He's curious as to whether she's told you that he threatened your life.

"Don't play dumb," you snarl. "We were fine until you came along and scared her. It's because of people like you she-" You wonder why you're even wasting your breath on him.

Rafe raises an eyebrow. "So, Elsa is single?"

You shake your head in disbelief.

"Great!" he exclaims. "I guess I talked some sense into her, after all."

You're on the verge of snapping. If this guy doesn't shut up...

"A queen like her really does deserve better. And let's be honest, what's better than a king?"

That's it. You've had it. Royalty or not, he needs to be taught a lesson.

You swing for him, your knuckles colliding with his nose.

Blood gushing from his nostrils onto the hall floor and howling in pain, Rafe cups his face and retreats to the safety of his bedroom.

You smile to yourself, your aching heart temporarily numbed by the satisfaction of punching the King of Arrogania.

"What's going on out here?"

Clad in their nightwear, Anna and Kristoff are running towards you with anxious expressions.

Anna notices the pool of blood at your feet. "Are you okay?" she asks, proceeding to check you over before your lips have even moved.

The truth is you're not 'okay'. Your heart has been shattered into a million icy fragments.

But of course, you don't wish to ruin Kristoff and Anna's morning, so you answer, "I'm fine. It's not my blood."

Kristoff furrows his brow. "Then whose-"

Rafe's bedroom door slams open.

Bloodied face filled with rage, the king's eyes are fixed on you. He's wielding a sword.

"You're dead, peasant!"

He raises his blade and charges forwards.

Wide eyed, Anna and Kristoff duck out the way. So do you.

"What's this guy's problem?" Kristoff thinks aloud. "He almost killed us!"

"The blood," Anna gasps. "It belongs to Rafe."

The king is in pursuit of you, slashing his sword repeatedly, sometimes catching your clothes or grazing your skin.

You're terrified. If only you had a weapon.

Anna can't bear to watch. Your death would crush Elsa. It would crush everybody who's gotten to know you since your arrival in Arendelle.

"Stop!" she screams, Kristoff having to restrain her. "King Rafe, please! Don't-"

An ice blast flies across the hall, knocking the sword from the king's hands and freezing it against a wall.

"Elsa," you say breathlessly.

The queen is silent as she examines the scene.

Rafe's sword and bloody nose. Your torn outfit and superficial cuts.

It's obvious what's transpired.

"Elsa, my queen, the peasant attacked me. I was defending myself. You understand, don't you?"

Anna's eyebrows shoot up. "Defending yourself?"

The king glares at the princess in a manner that prompts Kristoff to place a protective arm around her.

"I understand," Elsa says to Rafe, nodding obediently.

"Wait. What?" Anna is shocked at her sister for siding with him. So are you and Kristoff. "Elsa, you can't be serious."

"Enough, Anna. Rafe is our guest. You will treat him with the proper respect."


"I said enough!"

Disgusted and confused, Anna leaves, followed by Kristoff.

Who is this woman and what has she done with Elsa? Simply being in her presence has rendered you speechless. You're not sure how much more your heart can take.

Rafe then moves to stand beside the queen and says something too quiet for you to hear.

For a moment, she appears as though she's about to cry.

"Elsa," you manage to say.

She raises her hand, silencing you before you can utter another word.

"I want you out this castle by the end of today," she states, looking at you with an icy expression. "That's an order. Do not make me have to repeat it."

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now