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Tonight you're sleeping in Elsa's bedroom.

The encounter with King Rafe has left you both shaken, holding each other closer than usual.

Elsa wakes up. She's had a nightmare.

Shaking her head, the queen tells herself that the mental images of Rafe leading an attack on Arendelle aren't real.

Carefully, she lifts your arm and scoots out from under it.

You don't stir.

She glances back at you before stepping out the room.

Wandering down the hall in her nightgown and slippers, she uses the glow of her ice magic as a light source.

She passes the bedroom in which Rafe is staying and shudders.

At least tomorrow he'll be gone.

Reaching the kitchen, she makes herself some hot chocolate and cools it to a drinkable temperature, taking a sip.

Her lips curl into a smile. "Perfect," she thinks aloud.

"Yes," a male voice purrs, "you are."

When she turns around, Rafe is stood in the doorway, smirking.

The mug slips from Elsa's hands as ice forms on her palms. It smashes at her feet.

"My," Rafe says. "Tense, aren't we?"

"What do you want?" she snarls.

He looks her up and down. "Oh, Elsa. You know exactly what I want."

She raises her chin in a regal manner. "And I've already explained to you that I'm taken."

Rafe sighs. "I was afraid you'd say something along those lines." He starts approaching her.

Swallowing and backing away, Elsa clenches her trembling hands into fists. She's deliberating whether to call your name.

The king slowly picks up a shard belonging to the smashed mug and runs his finger over it absent-mindedly. "You know, it'd be tragic if anything ever happened to that peasant you care so much about."

Elsa scowls at him. "Is that a threat?"

His smirk grows wider. "You decide. All I'm saying is a queen such as yourself deserves a king. Not a commoner."

She shakes her head. "I'd rather be alone forever than marry someone like you."

Rafe shrugs. "That can be arranged." Another threat. "I wonder who you'd miss most, though. The peasant or that lovely sister of yours?"

Elsa's eyes widen.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be Anna," he says. "Maybe it could be her boyfriend the ice harvester. Oh, and we can't forget your little snowman."

Her anxiety is causing ice to manifest from where she's stood.

Rafe notices. "Now, now, my queen. Don't lose control of those magnificent powers. If I'm killed while a guest in your kingdom, I doubt Arrogania will just let it go."

He's right. There would be war.

Elsa forces her magic to yield. "Please," she gasps, struggling to suppress it. "I'll do whatever you ask. Just-Just don't hurt my friends."

Rafe nods approvingly. "A wise decision, Elsa."

She feels sick.

He tilts her head up by the chin so he can stare into those gorgeous blue eyes. "You'll make a fine bride."

She says nothing. She's trying not to freeze his fingers off.

Once Rafe is done taunting her and has headed back up to bed, Elsa unleashes her repressed power on everything in its path, engulfing the kitchen in ice and snow.

She sinks to the floor in exhaustion, crying. She knows she's going to have to break your heart tomorrow, otherwise Rafe will kill you.

She isn't certain how she'll do it. She doesn't want to even think about it.

Drawing her legs up to her chest, Elsa buries her face in her knees. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

Still asleep upstairs, you remain blissfully unaware.

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now