Happy Birthday

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Almost an entire year has passed since you and your friends defeated the Arroganians.

Arendelle is at peace once again.

A few months ago Rafe was sent back to his own nation to be tried for his crimes.

Apparently, while the king was away, Arrogania had a revolution and dethroned him, forming a new, more progressive government.

This pleases you immensely, though not as much as recent news concerning Anna and Kristoff.

The couple - now married - are expecting their first child together.

You can only imagine what loving parents they'll make, what a brilliant aunt Elsa will be.

The queen is a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Excited for the arrival of her niece or nephew, of course. Apprehensive about the actual birth.

When Elsa and Anna's own aunt the Queen of Corona - their mother's sister - went into labour with their cousin, she almost died from complications and only survived because of a magical healing flower.

Gerda insists the former Queen of Arendelle had a particularly healthy pregnancy with Elsa, to the point of feeling warm even during winter - the season in which the current queen was born. She also kept getting these intense chocolate cravings.

Her pregnancy with the princess, however - although just as healthy - resulted in her acquiring a boundless amount of energy. She couldn't sit still for even a few minutes! Or stop eating chocolate!

Three-year-old Elsa had relished in this energetic version of her mother while it lasted. The queen was usually so regal and poised. Someone her eldest daughter truly admired.

Despite this reassuring information, Elsa still worries for Anna's health.

The baby is merely days away from its due date.

"Oh, Elsa, everything will be fine," you say, running your fingers through her blonde hair as the two of you cuddle in bed. "Anna is doing great. She's eating right, getting plenty of rest. She'll have the best doctor in all the kingdom there for the delivery, including Gerda as a midwife. You couldn't ask for better."

Appreciating your attempt to comfort her, the queen manages a smile and kisses your lips. "I don't deserve you," she says.

You beg to differ. In your mind nobody on this planet could ever be lovelier or kinder or more 'beautifuller' than her, especially considering how amazing she's been since the whole of Arendelle learned you and their queen are together.

Initially there was uproar. People had expected Elsa to marry another royal or at least a wealthy lord.

They wanted lower taxes!

You couldn't really blame them. Hailing from a commoner background yourself, you understand how difficult it can be to provide food and shelter for one person, let alone a family. Hence why you left your previous home in the first place.

Within days the Royal Council had called a meeting to dissuade Elsa from continuing the relationship.

Unsurprisingly, she was outraged. How dare anyone try to dictate how she - a grown woman, their ruler - lives her life. Her life that you saved, sacrificing yourself at the tip of a sword.

Elsa still has nightmares of that day. Just when she was beginning to forgive herself for Anna's near death, the guilt of yours is heaped on top, your white hair being a constant reminder.

At least now she doesn't have to worry so much about hurting you with her magic when she's emotional.

The cold no longer bothers you as a result of the ice in your heart, filling the hole made by Rafe's sword and supporting the organ in pumping blood around your body.

You have to admit you were slightly disappointed to have not received any cool ice-blasting powers.

But it doesn't matter. What matters to you is that Elsa is safe and happy.

She is, after all, the reason you live and breathe. Without her your heart would cease to beat. Literally and figuratively.

And tonight at the ball, you plan on showing her just how much she means to you. Because today is a special day. A day to be celebrated.

Today, the queen is turning twenty-two.

You kiss her forehead. "Happy birthday, Elsa."

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