Warm Hugs

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You've been living at Elsa's castle for over a week now. And so far, you couldn't be happier.

The food, the clothes, the baths. You're living like royalty.

Problem is, you aren't royalty. You're a commoner.

You realise that eventually you'll have to leave. Sooner would be better rather than later. You don't want to grow too attached to your new friends, especially Elsa.

You've already learnt so much about the queen. Interests such as architecture, geometry and literature. Hobbies such as ice skating, snowball fighting and building snowmen. Her favourite colour, favourite food, favourite childhood memories.

You think you might be falling in love.

"Hey," says Olaf, bouncing towards you. "I bet I know someone who could use a warm hug."

"Huh?" you respond.

The snowman opens out his stick arms for an embrace and tilts his head to the side like a puppy.

Unable to resist, you wrap your arms around his snowy body and rest your chin on top of his head. "Thanks, Olaf. I needed this."

"No problem," he says, smiling.

The pair of you then make your way towards the courtyard to meet up with Elsa, Anna and Kristoff, as you all plan to go sledding out in the woods today.

Kristoff is preparing his sled when you arrive. He gives you a quick smile and nod of acknowledgement.

You do the same.

Anna runs up to you and takes your hands in hers, informing you of every food item she's packed in her picnic basket and asking if you like lutefisk.

Elsa is elegant as always, her blue ice dress shimmering in the daylight and blonde hair draped over her shoulder in a side braid.

Your heart flutters at the sight.

She compliments your outfit and you blush, thanking her, telling her she looks beautiful and then panicking when you see a surprised expression on her face.


You can't believe you just said that to the Queen of Arendelle. How inappropriate you must've sounded. What if you've offended her?

You're about to apologise, but then Elsa shakes her head and smiles as if to assure you that it's okay.

"Ready, guys?" Kristoff asks.

Everyone proceeds to board the sled. Kristoff and Anna at the front. Elsa, you and Olaf in the back.

"Go, Sven! Go!"

The reindeer moves forwards, galloping out the courtyard, through the main town and into the woods.

You're impressed by how much strength and energy he possesses.

Eventually the group has travelled far enough to stop and Kristoff unstraps Sven from the sled, rewarding the reindeer with a giant bag of carrots.

Anna opens her picnic basket and hands out the sandwiches.

You attempt to eat as neatly as possible, but still crumbs manage to fall everywhere.

Elsa passes you a napkin, clearly finding your lack of finesse to be endearing.

Once you're done eating, she has a question for you. "I'm going for a walk. Care to join me?"

No way could you ever deny an offer from her. Something in you just won't allow it.

"Sure," you say, trying not to seem eager.

Anna and Kristoff stay with Sven and the sled, while Olaf accompanies you and Elsa.

There's not a moment of silence between the three of you. If one of you isn't making a joke, the other two are laughing. And if one of you decides to break into song, the other two will be right there singing along.

You give Olaf a piggyback after his stumpy legs cause him to trip over for what seems to be a ridiculous amount of times.

The snowman enjoys you carrying him. He feels safe with you.

Elsa notices this.

Unfortunately, the moment is disrupted by a sudden crunching noise, followed by growling.


You and Elsa glance at each other as the pack surrounds you both, their fangs bared and dripping saliva.

"Stay behind me," she instructs you and Olaf, summoning ice to her hands in preparation to fight.

You recall how during your travels you'd encountered plenty of wild animals, how you were more than capable of defending yourself.

A wolf lunges at you and Elsa blocks its path with an ice barrier.

She fires a few ice blasts at the other wolves, but they refuse to give up.

You help by using a fallen tree branch as a weapon, swinging it at them to keep them at bay.

In the corner of your eye, you see a wolf manage to sneak up on Elsa. It's about to strike!

Panicked, you drop the branch and grab the wolf by its tail, yanking it away from her.

The infuriated canine turns its full attention to you and attacks, sinking its teeth into your forearm as you try to protect your face.

You scream in pain.

Elsa hears you're in trouble and her powers react instinctively. She releases a massive shockwave of ice, hitting all the wolves and knocking the one that bit you into a tree.

The whole pack scurries off in fear.

Red droplets stain the snow where you writhe on the ground, cradling your arm.

Placing a comforting hand on your cheek, Elsa freezes over your wound to stem the bleeding and provide you some relief, which works.

She stays with you while Olaf returns to the sled for help. She's afraid too much movement will aggravate your injury.

"You were very brave," she says softly, assisting you into a sitting position. "It seems my sister isn't the only one who owes you her life."

She holds you, allowing you to lean on her.

You find that she's surprisingly warm for someone known as the Snow Queen.

"I'd do it again," you say. "I'd never let anything happen to you, Elsa."

You don't care how it sounds. You mean it.

The queen pulls away so she can look into your eyes, evidently touched by your words.

"Elsa?" you say, worried you might've come across too forward.

She brings your face close to hers and shuts her eyes, waiting.

Your heart is hammering in your chest as you struggle to believe this is actually happening.

You lean in to kiss her when the sound of hooves and familiar voices breaks your concentration.

Elsa sighs and gives you an apologetic smile. "Perhaps another time."

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now