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Elsa is gazing out at Arendelle from her bedroom balcony, thinking of you.

She glances down at the engagement ring on her finger and gives a heavy-hearted sigh. If only you knew the truth.

There's a knock at her bedroom door.

"Elsa?" It's Anna. "Please. I know you're in there."

The queen has been avoiding her sister ever since she accepted King Rafe's marriage proposal. What choice did she have? Humiliating him by refusing would almost have certainly endangered your life, maybe even Anna's.

She'll never forget the look of disappointment and betrayal on the princess's face. Or yours, for that matter, when she banished you.

She wouldn't be surprised if you hated her. She wouldn't blame you.

"I love you, Elsa," says Anna, her back pressed against the door. "I'll support you no matter what. You know that, right? But agreeing to marry Rafe - a man you've known for just a few days - it's so unlike you. I don't understand."

Elsa is reminded of Prince Hans, how she had refused to bless Anna's marriage to him, thank goodness.

What an irresponsible, cold-hearted hypocrite she must seem now.

Anna admits she doesn't think you deserved to be treated how you were, that she truly believed Elsa was happy in your relationship.

Tearful and even though her sister can't see her, Elsa is nodding.

Yes. She was so happy with you. She longs for that time again. She hasn't gone a moment without you being on her mind.

At least you're safe now. Or so she hopes.

"Well," says Anna in a defeated tone, removing herself from Elsa's door, "if you need me, you know where I am."

She starts dragging her feet across the hall towards her bedroom, her sister's refusal to speak to her hurting worse than when they were kids, back when she actually expected to be ignored.

Turning the corner at the end of the hall, Anna hears a set of footsteps originating from the opposite direction, approaching Elsa's bedroom.

It's Rafe.

She hides behind the corner so as not to be seen. The guy gives her the creeps.

Why Elsa would get engaged to such an arrogant brute - especially so soon after ending it with you - is beyond fathomable.

Political reasons must play into it.

The king bangs his fist on the queen's door and immediately it opens.

The princess frowns suspiciously.

Rafe may be Elsa's fiance, but Anna is her sister. Why does he get access when she doesn't? They barely know each other, after all.

Anna tiptoes back across the hall to Elsa's bedroom and presses an ear against the door.

Rafe's voice is clear and commanding. "The wedding will be in three days," he states. "We'll have the ceremony here in Arendelle, then I shall bring you to Arrogania so we can officially unite our kingdoms."

Anna has to stop herself from blurting out a protest.

Is this scoundrel seriously trying to take her sister away to live in some other country? Why is Elsa allowing him so much control?

"You've already forced me to abandon one person I care about," responds Elsa, her tone unusually weak and timid. "Would you really be so cruel as to make me endure that again?"

There's a brief pause.

"Yes," Rafe answers. "Until you learn that I, your future husband, am all you need, this is going to keep happening. Unless you'd prefer I don't give you a choice and remove the pests in a more permanent manner?"

Anna is startled by a sudden gust of frost whooshing through the keyhole.

"I dare you to try that again!" the king bellows. "See what I do!"

Afraid for Elsa, Anna pounds her knuckles on the door in an attempt to distract Rafe.

She gulps. She can hear him nearing her position.

The door swings open and the scowling king exits the queen's bedroom. He doesn't even acknowledge his 'soon-to-be sister-in-law' as he barges past her.

Before the door has fully closed, Anna manages to catch a glimpse of Elsa's terrified, broken expression and feels her heart swell with guilt.

How could she have not figured it out sooner? Rafe is blackmailing Elsa, threatening to murder those closest to her if she refuses to comply.

He knows she won't harm him, that she'd rather sacrifice her freedom than start a war with the notoriously aggressive nation of Arrogania.

"Three days," Anna thinks aloud, realising that's how long she has to save her sister. "I'd better go find Kristoff."

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now