Conceal, Don't Feel

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A few months have passed and spring has arrived.

Elsa is perched on her throne in the Great Hall. Anna is stood at her right side. You at her left.

The three of you are dressed in your most formal attire. You're expecting a royal visit.

You straighten your posture and hold your head high. You and Anna have been practicing your etiquette under Elsa's guidance.

"Your Majesty," says Kai, bowing. "I introduce King Rafe of Arrogania."

The hall doors burst open and a man strides in, approaching the throne with sheer confidence and his cape flowing behind him in a pretentious display of power.

You resist the urge to roll your eyes. Is this guy for real?

"Queen Elsa," he purrs, snatching up her hand and kissing it, instead of maintaining a polite distance and bowing. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Elsa attempts to mask her unease with a smile.

As her personal guard, you almost intervene.

Anna then dissuades you by shaking her head.

You understand that Elsa has been working towards a peace treaty with the kingdom of Arrogania since before she met you, that offending their ruler could undo everything.

You'd never forgive yourself if you ruined this for Elsa.

Up close, you're surprised to find that King Rafe is actually taller and brawnier than even Kristoff. He's also quite young. Handsome, too.

No wonder he's so cocky.

Concerned for Elsa, you keep looking at her, checking her facial expressions and body language for signs. You can see she's fighting back her powers because of the stress.

To think she must act as host to the king for the duration of his stay in Arendelle upsets you.

Her happiness and safety are your top priorities.

Later at dinner, Rafe - whose table manners are appalling in your opinion - makes a derogatory comment about trolls.

Kristoff excuses himself and Anna goes after him, leaving you, Elsa and the king to eat in awkward silence.

Rafe then attempts to break the ice by inviting Elsa for an afternoon walk in the gardens. Alone.

Beneath the table, your hands tighten into fists.

There's a sudden chill in the air.

You glance at Elsa.

Out of practice, she's struggling to conceal and not feel.

She can't refuse. Arrogania has the largest army in this region. Making them allies of Arendelle would deter other nations from attacking, helping to ensure the kingdom's safety.

You place your hand on hers to tell her that you're fine with whatever she decides.

Truthfully, though, you'd prefer she decline. You don't trust him.

Rafe can't see what you're doing because of the table. "Well?" he asks. "Are you joining me or not?"

Elsa clears her throat. "Of course," she says. "But my guard comes with us. After all, I can't have an esteemed guest such as yourself walking around unprotected."

The king looks annoyed. "Very well. Bring the peasant."

You clench your jaw. The calming effect of Elsa's touch is the only reason you haven't reacted to the insult.

The three of you proceed outside to the gardens.

Rafe and Elsa walk side by side, while protocol dictates that you walk behind them.

Arendelle doesn't yet know that you and their queen are a couple. And very few individuals are aware themselves.

You remember Anna telling you that when she and Kristoff went public with their relationship, opinions were divided.

Some embraced the idea of a royal dating an ordinary person. Others thought it made Arendelle seem feeble and improper, a laughing stock to the other nations.

Ultimately, though, Anna not being the head of state, who she chooses as her spouse isn't as greater issue as it is for Elsa.

You're just glad you get to be with her.

Rafe and Elsa begin to discuss business.

He remarks that her powers would be an invaluable asset to Arrogania in times of war.

As much as she hates using her magic to fight, she's fairly confident this means that he'll sign the treaty.

"Think of what you and I could do together," he says. "We'd be unstoppable."

"My only interest is protecting Arendelle," she responds.

"Then let's unite our kingdoms," he suggests. "Become my bride. Give me an heir who can control the ice and snow."

You can't believe what he's saying. Neither can Elsa.

She's had enough of King Rafe. Treaty of not, she wants him gone.

"I can't marry a man I just met," she says. "Besides, my heart belongs to someone else."

She and you smile at each other.

"The peasant?" Rafe shouts. "This is an outrage!"

You fold your arms and glare at him.

He squares up to you, his figure towering over yours.

You stand your ground, bracing yourself.

Elsa steps between you both. "I think you should go," she says to Rafe.

The king smirks. "Anything for you, my queen." He then barges into your shoulder on purpose. "Watch yourself, peasant."

"Likewise," you say.

He storms off into the castle.

"I'm so sorry about that," says Elsa, taking your hands in hers. "Please, forgive me for allowing him here in the first place."

You shake your head. "Don't be sorry, Elsa. I'm the one who should be apologising. I've destroyed your chances of getting that treaty signed."

"You did nothing wrong," she insists. "That man is deluded to believe I'd marry him."

"He's going to tell people about us," you say.

"I know," she says. "Let him."

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें