Big Spring Blowout

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"Wandering Oaken's Trading Post," you read aloud. "And Sauna? Hmm. Weird."

You enter the shop and a door chime sounds above your head.

"Hoo hoo." A plump redheaded man in traditional clothing sits at the counter, smiling at you. "Big spring blowout."

"Oh," you say, not expecting to be greeted by such a colourful character. "Hi there." You smile back at him. "I'm, uh, looking to buy some snow supplies. Could you help me out?"

Oaken stares at you quizzically. "Snow supplies? But it is spring, yah? Would you not care to sample my hay fever remedy instead?"

"Hay fever remedy? No thanks. I'm good."

"Are you sure I cannot tempt you?" He waves a bottle of some strange-coloured liquid. "If you buy I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna..."

Just as you're about to answer, both you and Oaken are distracted when someone else walks into the shop.

It's a young woman. A brunette.

She smiles at the two of you, proceeding to browse what stock is available.

You can't take your eyes off her.

The woman retrieves a map, length of rope, food, knife and pair of clogs. She then sets the items on Oaken's counter.

"That will be seventy," he says in his friendly, accented voice. "And would you care to sample a hay fever remedy of my own invention?"

You realise up close why you're so drawn to the brunette.

Apart from hair colour, almost everything about her is identical to Elsa. Her eyes, nose, lips, face shape, body shape. Even her smile.

But she isn't Elsa.

There is only one Elsa.

Hearing Oaken's offer of a free sauna visit, the brunette purchases a bottle of hay fever remedy along with her supplies and deposits them into her satchel.

"So, where are you headed?" she asks you casually.

You shrug. "Nowhere in particular. I'm thinking the North Mountain."

Her eyebrows shoot up. "The North Mountain? Why would anyone go up there? I hear it's inhabited by a giant snow monster these days."

"Yeah," you say, smiling, knowing more about the 'snow monster' than you're willing to discuss with a stranger. "I've heard that, too."

She looks at you as if you're crazy and laughs. "I like your guts," she says, heading for the door that leads to Oaken's sauna. "You coming?"

Your mind is racing with thoughts of Elsa. This woman resembles her so much it hurts.

You feel guilty for being so attracted to somebody who isn't her, but then you remember how she crushed your heart.

"Excuse me," you say to Oaken. "Could I get a bottle of that hay fever remedy?"

In the sauna, you keep a towel wrapped around you.

The woman on the other hand is more than happy to be stark nude.

Your eyes are nearly popping out your head as you chat with her. She has an amazing figure. Just like Elsa...

"Something on my chest?" asks the woman sarcastically, teasing you.

You're blushing. You didn't mean to stare.

She can see you're embarrassed. "Hey, don't be sorry," she says with a seductive smile. "I'm not complaining."

You gulp.

She leans over and whispers a suggestion in your ear that causes you to bite your bottom lip.

An image of Elsa flashes in your eyes. You can't do this.

"S-Sorry," you say to the woman, standing and almost losing your towel. "But I-I've got to go."

You race out the sauna, grabbing your clothes and satchel, quickly purchasing what supplies you need and then leaving before you change your mind.

"Bye bye," says Oaken, waving. "Return soon, yah?"

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