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Sobering up and rearranging her braid back into a bun, Elsa smiles at you, her engagement ring sparkling proudly on her finger.

You wrap your arms around the queen's waist from behind, admiring her every feature, every curve, every blonde lock and pale freckle.

"I wish you realised how beautiful you are, Elsa," you say, brushing your lips along the nape of her neck. "My perfect snowflake."

She finishes styling her hair and then turns around in your arms to face you. "Snowflake?" she giggles, raising an eyebrow.

"It sounded better in my head," you respond, blushing. "Too cheesy?"

"Not at all," she says, kissing you. "It's sweet. Just like my personal guard."

You fail to suppress a grin. "Okay, now that was cheesy."

She blushes and grins back. "I know."

"Come on," you say, taking her hand. "We should return to the party before everyone starts thinking I've kidnapped you."

Elsa looks at you suggestively. "Or maybe they'll think it was me who kidnapped you."

You snigger. "Somehow I highly doubt your guests would care if a simple commoner went missing."

"I'd care," she says softly, touching your cheek. "I'd be devastated. So would Anna and Kristoff. And don't forget Olaf and Marshmallow."

"What about Sven?"

"Especially Sven. He really appreciated that carrot cake you made him for his birthday."

You shrug modestly. "It was the least I could do, considering all the times he's pulled us around in Kristoff's sled. What're friends for?"

Elsa takes your hands in hers. "Exactly. We should give them the good news as soon as possible. My sister will be thrilled!"

"Yeah," you say with a smile, allowing her to lead you through the gardens, "let's go see our friends."

When you arrive back at the party, Anna is nowhere to be seen. Kristoff, as well.

The music stops.

Everyone in the Great Hall begins to stare at Elsa, their expressions too mixed to read.

"Guys!" exclaims Olaf, bouncing towards you both. "It's happening! Anna is having her baby!"

Elsa grabs your hand for support and squeezes it apprehensively, frost forming between your palms.

Fortunately you don't feel it, as you're immune to the effects of the cold.

Kai tells the pair of you to follow him, that he'll lead you to the princess and her husband.

Of course, you and Elsa - joined by Marshmallow and Olaf - do just that.

The queen enters the room her sister is in while you, Kai and the two snowmen wait out in the hall.

With five people - Anna, Kristoff, the doctor, Gerda and now Elsa - the room is already quite full.

Soon there will be six.

You pace the hall eagerly, dreading you'll see some ice trail out from under the door - an indication of something going wrong.

All you can hear are Anna's groans and pained exclamations, the others attempting to comfort her, encouraging her to breathe and push.

Kai places a hand on your shoulder. "Everything will be alright," he says. "Princess Anna is strong."

You nod.

"By the way, I saw Queen Elsa's ring," he adds, smiling. "Congratulations."

"Thank you, Kai," you say, your tone sincere. "I'm glad you approve."

The room Elsa and Anna are in has fallen silent.

Olaf and Marshmallow look at each other cluelessly.

You gulp, your heart sinking.

And then...a baby cries.

Relief washes over you.

Slowly opening the door, a beaming Gerda ushers you, Kai and Olaf inside.

Marshmallow struggles to fit through most doorways, so crouches down and sticks his head into the room.

Anna - appearing exhausted but overjoyed - is gazing lovingly at a small, bundled blanket in her arms, her husband and sister stood either side of the bed.

It's an amazing sight. Truly magical.

Elsa manages to peel her attention away from the crying newborn long enough to smile at you, her eyes producing happy tears.

Holding her, you tenderly wipe your fiancee's cheeks with your thumb.

"Congratulations," you tell the new parents.

As expected, they respond with nods and smiles, unable to keep their eyes off their child for more than a few seconds.

You plant a kiss on Elsa's temple. "And a massive congratulations to you on becoming an aunt, my love. It seems you'll be sharing a birthday from now on."

She gives a light chuckle. "Fine by me. Tonight I've had the two most incredible birthday gifts ever."

"Two?" says Olaf, overhearing. "What's the other one?"

You and Elsa announce your engagement.

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now