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"Gerda, have you seen Anna by any chance?"

"Please, Queen Elsa," says the handmaid reprimandingly. "Keep still. Remember what happened the last time I caught you with the needle?"

Elsa shudders at the idea of being prodded again. "Yes, Gerda," she says. "I remember. I froze the dress. You don't need to remind me."

Gerda furrows her brow in concentration. "We had to wait hours for it to dry after you'd thawed it. Your fiance won't be pleased if his bride doesn't even have a gown to wear on her own wedding day."

The queen sighs. "I could always make one myself." Not that she wants to.

"Oh, no, no, Your Majesty. King Rafe has insisted on a traditional Arroganian pattern in the colours of his nation's flag. He wouldn't be pleased if we disobeyed a direct request."

"Request? I think you mean command, Gerda."

The handmaid notices the resentment in Elsa's tone, the aura of sadness swirling around and within her like a snowstorm.

"Ma'am, do excuse me for speaking out of place, but you seem unhappy."

Elsa looks at Gerda wearily. "Is it that obvious?"

She was fooling herself to believe she can conceal her feelings from the woman.

Even if Elsa had been isolated from everyone for most her life, Gerda has always remained an ever-present figure. It was she who assisted Elsa and Anna's mother in delivering them both, who informed each sister of their parents' tragic passing, who organised the young queen on the morning of her coronation.

Other than Anna and yourself, if anybody is capable of reading Elsa, it's Gerda.

She sets the needle aside and opens out her arms.

Grateful, Elsa throws herself into the woman's embrace as she begins to weep icy tears.

"Oh, you poor dear," says Gerda softly. "You really don't want to marry him, do you?"

Face buried in her handmaid's shoulder, the queen shakes her head. "I have to," she croaks. "For Arendelle. I have to protect my people, my friends."

"Protect them?" Gerda narrows her eyes. "Whatever do you mean, ma'am? I was under the impression you and King Rafe were marrying to strengthen your kingdoms."

Elsa realises she's already said too much. "W-We are," she stammers, dabbing her cheeks with a nearby handkerchief. "What I meant is I have to protect Arendelle from any nations who wish to attack us. There's only so much my magic can do. But by allying ourselves with Arrogania's forces, our safety will be guaranteed."

The handmaid isn't convinced that is why Elsa agreed to marry the king. "I see."

"Please, Gerda, don't repeat this to anyone. If Rafe knew I'd been-"

"Queen Elsa," says the woman, smiling reassuringly, "I would never."

Elsa manages to return a weak smile. "Thank you."

"Now, where's that sister of yours run off to?" Gerda thinks aloud. "We haven't even started adjusting her dress and we only have two days!"

"Two days?" repeats Elsa, processing the reminder. "That soon?"

She gazes out the dressing room window at the North Mountain in the distance and swallows. "I'm getting married in two days."

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now