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You know his depraved, ruthless mind so well, it's almost as if you can read his thoughts.

The moment he snatched the general's sword, you were certain of one thing.

He's going after Elsa!

For you, a world without the Snow Queen wouldn't be worth living in. You'd rather die.

In the few seconds it takes for her to realise what Rafe is about to do, it's too late. He's already too close.


The gleaming sword is thrust at her chest with the intention of piercing her heart.

But the blade doesn't touch her heart.

It pierces yours.

Managing to push her out of harm's way, you place yourself there instead.

Rafe laughs hysterically when he sees it's you on the end of the sword and not the queen.

With a twist of the hilt, he yanks the blade out from your chest and kicks you aside, continuing to laugh.

Elsa is frozen.

Olaf gasps and bounces over to you, his innocence practically shattered. He wants to help you, but isn't sure how.

Anna acts quickly and begins to distract Rafe, while Kristoff takes the opportunity to perform a jaw-breaking uppercut on him, rendering the king unconscious.

They take the sword in case he wakes up and tries something else.

Guards from both Arendelle and Arrogania break out into a full-on brawl.

The wedding guests evacuate the chapel.

Still in shock, Elsa's brain is struggling to process what just happened, whether she's imagining the scene before her.

You've been stabbed.

You - the person she loves - have sacrificed yourself to save her and are now bleeding to death.

This is all her fault.

Unperturbed by the fighting guards which surround her, she staggers towards you, eyes wide with tears and quivering lips incapable of even uttering your name.

She drops to her knees beside you, desperately attempting to seal your gaping wound with her magic.

It's useless.

There's too much damage. Your blood is hot against her ice, melting it before it can start to heal.

Anna, Kristoff and Olaf can only watch on powerlessly, keeping an eye out for any Arroganians who decide to attack.

"El-Elsa." You use your remaining strength to rest a hand on her cheek. "I-I-"

She's so warm and you're so cold. And growing colder.

"Shh." She holds your hand against her face, savouring its touch. "I know," she whispers. "I love you, too."

You manage a weak smile as the light slowly fades from your eyes, finished by your dying breath.

You're gone.

Clamping a hand over her mouth, Elsa clenches shut her eyes.

She weeps into your shoulder, emotionally broken, the pain tantamount to the loss of her parents, to when she thought she lost her sister.

Also crying, Anna and Olaf embrace the queen while she continues to mourn you.

Kristoff is shedding tears, as well. But as the largest, strongest member of the group he takes it upon himself to maintain a defensive position against the guards.

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now