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"You don't have to do this, you know," says Anna, hugging you. "Just because you're banished from the castle doesn't mean you have to leave Arendelle altogether."

You flinch at the word 'banished'.

She cringes when she realises how harsh that must've sounded and attempts to rectify herself.

You can't help but shake your head in amusement at the princess's awkwardness. "Oh, Anna," you sigh. "Please, don't try to change my mind. There's nothing left for me here."

"What about us?" asks Olaf, twiddling his stick thumbs and looking at the ground. "We'll miss you."

You crouch down to be at his level and ruffle the twigs on his head. "Oh, Olaf. I'll miss you, too, little guy. But what I meant was there's no future for me here." You glance over him to the far end of the courtyard where Rafe and Elsa are standing. "It's been stolen," you say bitterly.

Elsa is watching you with earnest eyes. She wants to explain the situation so badly. She can see how this is eating at your resolve.

But if she told you the truth, how would you react? You'd more than likely attempt to kill Rafe and be slaughtered. And even if you did succeed, what would that mean for Arendelle when Arrogania discovers their king was murdered by the queen's personal guard and consort?

Nothing pleasant. That's for certain.

Smirking, Rafe places a possessive hand on Elsa's shoulder to taunt you.

A pang of heartbreak strikes and you clench your jaw. "I'd better go."

"Wait," Kristoff says. "Some advice. There's this trading post a few miles out called Wandering Oaken's. He never locks the stables, so if you're careful you can probably sleep there tonight."

You nod. "Thank you, Kristoff. I appreciate it."

"No problem." He pulls you in for a hearty embrace, much to everyone's surprise, as outbursts of affection aren't usually his style.

Anna and Olaf smile at the rare sight.

Elsa is also witness to this. And despite her circumstances, a slight smile manages to etch its way onto her face.

You'd notice if you were able to see, but Sven won't stop licking your face.

Reluctantly, the group bids farewell to you and you begin your journey.

Every step you take is a challenge. You don't dare look back at Elsa. Your heart constricts painfully at the knowledge that you will never get to feel her touch again.

Unbeknown to you, your departure is evoking the same reaction in Elsa's heart.

She watches in despair as you vanish into the distance.

"Good riddance," Rafe remarks.

Anna, Kristoff and Olaf all glare at him.

Elsa closes her eyes, concealing, not feeling, not letting it show.

Even if she and you must suffer this way for the rest of your lives, she believes she has done the right thing, that the further you are from her, the safer you are from Rafe.

The king clears his throat. "Well," he says, "seeing as we've got an audience, I might as well do this now."

Anna looks at Elsa for an explanation, but her sister appears to be equally as puzzled.

"Queen Elsa," says Rafe, pulling a ring from his trouser pocket and dropping to one knee, "will you marry me?"

Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now