Shackled Nightmare

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"I'm going after her," you say, rising to your feet once Gerda has finished bandaging your burnt, blistered hands.

"Please, at least allow your injuries to heal first," the woman insists. "Almost the entire kingdom is out searching for Queen Elsa. There's really no rush for you to-"

"And I'm extremely grateful, Gerda, but she's my fiancee. I've got to do something. I need to be out there."

You go to stand beside Anna, who's looking out the window of yours and Elsa's bedroom, holding a sleeping Lukas close to her.

Kristoff has left to warn the trolls of the situation, to see if they have any suggestions.

"Be careful," says your hopefully still-future sister-in-law, not averting her gaze from the mountains in the distance. "You know I'd go with you, but..."

She has to stay for her son, to feed him. Also, if anything were to happen to the queen, the princess would be all Arendelle has left.

"I understand, Anna," you say, stroking Lukas's blonde head with an area of uninjured skin on the back of your hand. "Protect the kingdom. You and Kristoff take care of each other."

"We will." Her expression is both fierce and sincere when she locks eyes with you. "Just...bring Elsa home."

You nod, your fists clenched and shaking with emotion. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Gathering some supplies for your journey, Olaf and Marshmallow - being the only ones who're immune to magic - decide to join you.

Initially you're reluctant. It'll be dangerous and you don't want either of them getting hurt. You'd never forgive yourself.

Of course, they manage to convince you eventually.

Like you, the snowmen love Elsa and wish to rescue her. What right does anyone have to deny them that?

Meanwhile, in a dungeon somewhere dark and hidden, Elsa is having a nightmare.

She's dreaming about her parents leaving for her cousin's wedding in Corona, of their ship being caught in a storm.

"Do you have to go?"

"You'll be fine, Elsa."

She dreams of Hans.

"Just take care of my sister!"

"Your sister? She returned from the mountain weak and cold. She said you froze her heart."

"What? No..."

"I tried to save her, but it was too late. Her skin was ice. Her hair turned white...Your sister is dead. Because of you."

And Rafe, driving his sword through your heart as you blocked that fatal blow intended for her.


Coming to, the queen screams your name, heart thrashing in response to reliving all those traumas.

Elsa gazes down at her hands to find them shackled. "No," she breathes, remembering why she's here. "Not again."

She can't even wrap her arms around herself for comfort. She feels completely vulnerable.

The shackles must be charmed. Her magic doesn't seem to have any effect on them.

If only you were by her side.

She thinks how lucky she's been this past year, to have had either you or Anna there to console her following the many nightmares.

Like her sister, Anna would sometimes wake up screaming about their parents, sometimes about the excruciating, terrifying memory of how it felt freezing to death.

These days the nightmares aren't so bad for Anna. She believes having a husband and child to fill her life, as well as rekindling her relationship with her sister are to thank for that.

Elsa on the other hand carries an overwhelming amount of guilt. She blames herself for not doing more to dissuade her parents from boarding that ship, for pushing Anna away and inadvertently hurting her, for repeating the mistake with you and almost losing you both forever.

"I'm such a fool," she whispers. "I can't be free."

"Oh, but you can, my dear."

Elsa gasps in surprise as Mother Dunkel slinks out from the shadows.

Smirking, the dark-haired sorceress slowly reaches for the blonde, tilting her face up by the chin so she can look at her.

The younger woman tugs at her chains in fear. "Please, let me go."

"Let you go?" Dunkel shakes her head. "Not until you give me what I want."

Elsa knits her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Your powers. I wish to claim them for my own. I quite fancy the idea of being able to control ice and snow, you see."

Shuddering, the queen is horrified by the thought. If Dunkel took her powers, Arendelle would never be safe.

"You can make it easier on yourself and comply with the transferal ritual. Or, I could simply force them out of you. It's your choice."

Elsa realises what else being stripped of her powers would mean.

Olaf and Marshmallow. The personal flurries which enable them to survive normal temperatures are supported by her magic.

And your heart. It relies on her to keep it beating.

The three of you would be doomed.

"No," she says defiantly, wrenching her chin out the sorceress's grip. "I refuse."

Mother Dunkel sighs. "Very well." She appears genuinely displeased. "I was afraid it would come to this."

With a wave of her hand, her daughters Wilhelmina and Heidi magically teleport into the dungeon in a puff of black smoke.

"Prepare her for the ritual, girls. Make certain she's unable to resist. There mustn't be any interruptions."

They nod in unison. "Yes, Mother."

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