Glide and Pivot

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Trekking through the snowy woods, you pull your scarf halfway up your face so that it's just under your eyes.

You're exhausted and hungry. You've been travelling for days.

You hear a voice in the distance. "That's it, Anna! Glide and pivot!" It's male. "And glide and pivot!"

Maybe he has food. Maybe he'd be willing to sell you some.

"How's this, Olaf?" asks a girl, her tone sweet and bubbly.

"Anna, be careful," another male voice chimes in. "The last thing we want is you injuring yourself again."

A reindeer whinnies in agreement.

The girl chuckles. "Oh, Kristoff, stop worrying!"

Curious, you venture forwards until your vision is no longer obstructed by trees.

You see them - a young redheaded woman, a brawny blonde man, a reindeer...and a living, breathing snowman.

You don't believe your eyes. The snowman is coaching the girl on how to ice skate across a frozen pond. How is this even possible?

You wonder if it's safe to approach. And then you hear a sound that causes your heart to flutter.

Her soft, warm laughter echoes in your ears, rendering you breathless. This laugh doesn't belong to the redhead, though.

Another young woman is walking towards the group. A blonde. She is undoubtedly the most beautiful person you have ever seen.

You don't understand why, but you can't help smiling. Also, your palms are clammy and knees shaking.

The redhead and the blonde are waving to each other, pure love in their eyes.

The blonde seats herself on a bench next to the brawny man with the reindeer, her hands folded gracefully in her lap.

You want to talk to her. Need to, in fact.

You're about to step in their direction when you hear the redhead scream.

She has fallen through thin ice.

Horrified, the blonde woman and brawny man race to their friend's aid. But they aren't as fast as you.

You don't hesitate as you dive into the freezing water, almost gasping and losing what oxygen is in your lungs.

Within seconds you've spotted the unconscious redhead and are wrapping an arm around her waist.

You then attempt to swim both of you back up to the surface, succeeding.

"Anna!" the blonde woman exclaims as the brawny man takes the girl from you.

He carries her to the bench and lays her down, proceeding to pump her chest and breathe air into her mouth.

Shivering and feeling faint, you try to pull yourself out of the water to no avail.

The snowman and the blonde woman notice you struggling and give you some assistance.

You collapse onto the ice and lie there, worried that the girl you saved won't survive.

At the blonde woman's instruction, the snowman brings a blanket from the reindeer's saddle bag and drapes it over you. He then looks at you with big, innocent eyes and smiles.

The blonde woman kneels beside you and strokes wet hair out of your face, her touch warm and soothing. "Thank you," she says, "for saving my sister."

You black out.

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