"Thank you, Mr. Tsukauchi. I really appreciate your help." He shakes his head and gets up from his seat.

"It's fine. Anyway, this visit was only meant to be quick, so I'll just cut to the chase. I just wanted to know if you wanted to share your side of the story. There's a press conference in two days which your mother and aunt are going to be a part of, you're welcome be there too. This is mainly about you anyway."

"I would like to be there. If anything, I should be the one sharing the story, I know all of it." He begins walking towards the door and nods goodbye to you.

"I'll be heading off now but I'll see you tomorrow and take you to you to see your father. Your mother and aunt are out here waiting, I'll let them know you're awake. Also, before I forget, you're all staying at a safe house for a few days."

"Thank you again," you call, waving as he leaves the room. Once he was gone you were barely given a second before the door slammed open, both your aunt and mother sprinting towards you. It was no shock both would be very emotional. The sisters sat side by side on the bed and wrapped you in tight hug, refusing to let go.

"I missed you so much," Yu squeals, hiding her face in your shoulder as she snuggles into you. You placed a hand on top of her head, wrapping your other arm around your mother who sobbed loudly into your chest. It was nostalgic seeing this again, it had been two months since she cried to you like this. While Yu cuddled with your arm, your mother pulled away and cupped your cheeks.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she chokes, removing her hands to wipe her running eyes and nose. She was a beautiful woman but a very unattractive crier, so to hide her embarrassment, you pulled her back into a hug and let her cry some more.

After a few more minutes, you managed to get the two of them off of you. Yu looked excited and began ranting about how cool your fighting was, your mother having to stop her as her sad expression became one of anger.

"I'm very upset with you taking so many risks, you could've died at any point out there. I know that there was no way to avoid this after we left but I'm still mad and in shock. Also, disappointed in you for sneaking out at night to train." You raised an eyebrow, wondering how she could've found out about it. When a familiar snicker sounded in your ear, you couldn't help but sigh. Kuro must've ratted you out, but right now you couldn't care less. Instead, you let your mother do her job as a parent and listened as she scolded you. In the end of her rant, she was very forgiving and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"I know that it was hard, it was the same battle I had to fight 16 years ago. But I lost, that's why I was so afraid. I was a beacon of hope for a reason, (Y/n), and I was older than you too. Now I look at you and you're so much stronger than I ever was. I know that I've spent so much time telling you off just now but I want you to know that I'm proud of you. Going off and fighting villains worries me to death but after seeing that, seeing the way you handled situations in which your loss was certain. It made me put my faith in you. Also, I'm sorry for disappointing you out there, I never wanted you to feel like that around me. I disappointed you, I have been doing so for the entirety of your life, I just hope that now I can make it all up to you." You laugh and shake your head.

"You don't need to make anything up to me, there's just something I want you to accept," you say in a serious tone. Yu understood that this was very personal so she left the room, sending you both a small wave before closing the door behind her. You looked up at your mother, she looked very eager to know what you were talking about.

"Dad was admitted to a hospital to help with his mental state and I'm going to see him tomorrow. I understand that your feelings towards him are negative and I don't blame you but I want him to be a part of my life. Not only for my sake, but his as well. I'm all that he cares about and I want to help him get better, he's my dad and I love him," you express. She looked unsure about it but nodded anyway.

"I can never forgive him for what he did to me but if you want him to be there, I accept it. I know that it was the shadow woman who was behind it all, but I don't want any kind of relationship or exchange with him."

"That's fine." A knock at the door catches your attention, the two of you turn to look over as it slides open. Aizawa looks in with a bored expression, his bandages gone, now revealing a scar below his eye.

"The car to take you to the safe house is almost here, make sure you're ready." At the sight of the raven-haired male, your mother jumped off the bed, her cheeks turning red. It was a strange sight, she was acting like a teenage girl around her crush.

"Hikari, why don't you accompany your sister while I speak with (Y/n) for a moment." She nods and kisses your forehead once more before she leaves. Aizawa fully enters the room, approaching your bed. He stands beside it and looks out the window at the setting sun.

"She wasn't safe," he mutters, not sparing you a glance. You thought back to your conversation you had after returning from the USJ attack. You had said that your mother was somewhere safe when he asked about her.

"I never thought that he would go for her or even be able to find her, he was searching for me after all." You look up at him, meeting his dull gaze.

"It's not your fault that any of this happened, okay? Having that mindset will make you a terrible hero, so just know that you weren't involved until now and you did all that you could. I'm proud to have you as a student in my class, I don't regret choosing you." He then turned towards the door and began walking towards it.

"Wait? You chose me, what is that supposed to mean?" you questioned. He sighed and turned back to look at you one last time.

"Just get changed, we can discuss this later." He then left, allowing you to get up and change. So much was about to happen and you weren't sure if you were ready for it all. But all you had to think about was defeating the number one villain and a shadow titan, that gave you the courage to push forward and continue. It also helped to think about a special purple-haired boy who would be waiting for you once you got home.

Tomorrow you're gonna be able to visit your dad for the first time, yay! I have something I just thought of which will make me love this story even more. Ah! So sad it's almost over, you might get a few more but it depends how many ideas I have left and how long I can stretch the. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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