Part 31•

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It was now Saturday. Both of them woke up and put the majority of the boxes in Jimin's car. They drove to the new house, dropped them there, including Jimin's boxes that had been in the car all along. Came back to Tae's apartment and finished with the boxes, and also Yeontan.

They were now at the new house, that luckily already had furniture, and they both really liked it so they were planning on selling the old one by making a garage sale

Yeontan was excited discovering every corner of the house, Jimin was taking his boxes upstairs to his room and Tae the ones that belonged to him.

"I told Jin to meet me here. Is that okay?"
"Yeah of course"
"That way he can see the new house, but then we are gonna go to the caffe on the corner of the street"
"Okay Minie"

Tae took a bunch of his clothes and he was putting them in the closet. Then Jimin back hugged him tightly. When Tae realized he turned around slowly and hugged Jimin back "everything is gonna be just fine Chim"
"I hope so" -replied Jimin-

It was 5:00 and Jin arrived.
*ding dong*
-Jimin opened the door-
"Hi Jin"
"Come in"

After Jin said hello to Tae and a little house tour, they both got going to the caffe

Once they arrived Jimin started.
Even after they both finished their coffees Jimin wasn't over. It was hard for him so he went slowly.

A while later both of them were shedding tears and he finally was reaching the most important part

"But that wasn't all of it" -Jimin said while Jin couldn't even talk- "he....he.....abused me......sexually" -he closed his eyes out of embarrassment. Jin stood up, left the money and walked outside of the coffee shop dragging his brother with him-
"Ouch....Jin! What the he.."
"How could you?!??" -Jin turned around sobbing-

Listening to that made Jin close his eyes while crying harder and Jimin continued
"One when I was ten.....then eleven and then at thirteen"
"That's why you attempted to kill yourself?? You were embarrassed and hurt?"
"How could you not tell me Jimin!!" -Jin kept crying mad at his brother, but also very sad-
"I...I couldn't. I was a kid" -Jimin was now sobbing too-

Jin finally looked at Jimin's watery eyes full of tears and saw that broken look he gave him. He then couldn't resist and pulled his little brother into a big hug.

"I hate you for not telling me Jimin" -said Jin while hugging the other one and caressing his hair- "but there's something I have to do" -he then pulled off the hug-
"Wait Jin where are you going??"
"I promised I will protect you from anything Jiminie, and maybe I couldn't this time. But this isn't over"

-Jin left-

Jimin stood there clueless. He was hurt, he was sad. He was mad at himself for not telling his brother before. He could feel his face completely soaked in tears that kept falling. He leaned himself on a wall and just cried. His sight was blurry because of the tears but he saw someone running towards him and when he reached him, he hugged him tightly with one hand on the back of Jimin's head, pressing it against his chest, and the other one on his back
"I'm here, I'm here for you Minie"
Jimin just then realized that it was Taehyung's voice, and he only kept sobbing and hugged back
"Let's go home love"

Tae walked back to the house he had just gotten out of with Jimin under his arm. When they entered Jimin calmed down and told Tae how Jin just left mad at him, Tae comforted him and they kept talking

"Why where you there anyways?"
"I just figured you two were taking too long, and the coffee shop is just in the corner so I just went to make sure you were okay...and I'm glad I did"
"I'm glad you did too. You are like a superhero Taehyung" -Jimin pecked Tae's lips-
"I'm always gonna be there for you Jimin, I already told you, there's nothing you can do to make me stop loving you"
"God, what did I do to deserve you?"

Tae smiled and that made Jimin happier. They stared at each other for a second but Jimin's cellphone rang loudly

Incoming call from 'dad'
"Jimin, I swear you will regret the day you did this, YOU WILL REGRET IT!!"
"What are you talking about dad??"
"Ugh I'm so done with all of this shit, FUCKKK......"

-the silence made Jimin even more confused-

".............I used this one call to call you. I'm really angry, but at the end I just wanted to say...sorry, I deserve this"

"What the heck is he talking about??"
"What happened?"
"He said that he used his one call to call me and"
"Jimin...the 'one call' term is used for the chance to make one call when you are about to go to......prison...."

Jimin's eyes widened and he called Jin immediately

"Is dad in prison??"
"Did you do this?"
"Well, he did it, he committed crimes, so according to the law....he did it"
"Child abuse, rape, pedophilia...."
"I can't believe you did this"
"Why...are you upset??"
"NO!! How could I be upset?"
"I'm glad you aren't....., listen, sorry for leaving you at the coffee shop but, I needed to report him to the police as fast as you told me all of that. I couldn't stand the pain of imagining YOUR pain at those moments, it just had to be done, you know?"
"It's okay Jin, you did what I wasn't capable of doing. I'm really sorry for not telling you before, I wasn't brave enough to do it, I was ashamed and embarrassed"
"It's okay Jiminie, you don't owe apologies to anyone. Now, live happily and forget about him, he'll not bother you for a loooong time"
"Thanks Jin,...I love you"
"I love you too little bro, bye bye now"
"Good bye"

"He's behind bars Tae, he's in jail"

They both smiled and then hugged

"I finally feel secure, and like all of that is in the past, I finally feel myself again I just couldn't be happier Tae"
"You have no idea how happy it makes me feel to hear that"

Jimin eye smiled while he sat on the couch.

"I can't believe it's finally over"
"No more nightmares for you"
"It feels so right, like this was what had to happen, you know?"
"It is Chim, this is what he deserved, and also what you deserve" -he then kissed the back of Jimin's neck-
"This is it. I'm finally in peace again"

Taehyung smiled and started walking towards the stairs- "I think I'm gonna take a nap, do you want to join me?"
"Of course I do"
"Let's go then"

They held hands while they went to their room and took a very long nap....well, actually they slept till the next day.

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