Part 30•

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The day after, once they both got out of work it was finally time to go see the house Tae wanted so bad.

They arrived and met the seller of the house, who was really kind.
He gave them a tour around it. The first impression was the beautiful big white wooden door, really fancy in Jimin's opinion, but once they entered it was a whole new world, and smiles projected in both of their faces. To the right was the kitchen, really modern, with one of the walls made of bricks giving it a industrial look and the other two walls white, in one of them a really good looking window. The whole kitchen theme matched with the living room, at the left, the wall was wood, there was a fireplace and the TV above it, in front of it the big gray couch with a red wine carpet in the middle with a little table on it, and passed the living room, there was the stairs that led to the second floor, where there was only a big well decorated bathroom (with a big tub) and a bedroom for two people. There was no words to describe how beautiful everything was, the bedroom decor amazed both of the guys and they both liked that they had a TV in front of the bed. But what they both payed more attention to was the huge window with a beautiful view and a wooden modern balcony. They went downstairs again and continued the tour there was another two bedrooms, one of them was a guest room and the other one just a one person room. There was another bathroom, a smaller one, and at the very end a little backyard.

"So what do you think? Do you like it?"
"Yes sir, it's a beautiful house" -Jimin answered-
"It's almost perfect isn't it Minie?" -Tae said looking at his boyfriend-
"It is. I actually really loved it Tae"
"Sooo..what do you say?"
"Let's do it"

Taehyung showed a big smile listening to Jimin's words.

They discussed prices with the seller and they finally, gladly bought the house. They even bought it cheaper than the original price just because the seller seemed to had liked them.

After some indications and explanations the man left leaving these two alone at their new house.

"Oh my god we actually did it. We are crazy" - Tae said smiling and looking around-
"Yes we are but I feel so happy, I think this was definitely what we needed"
"You're right.....So let's go pack our stuff then"
"Do you think we can do it in two days? Today you stay at my place and we pack everything, then the same for you and we're done" -Jimin proposed-
"Okay, let's do it"

Taehyung pecked his boyfriends lips and then stayed with their foreheads glued to each other for a while.

They got outside, closed the house and went to Jimin's place in his car

~~three days later (friday)~~~

"Ugh, finally" -said Tae letting himself fall in the couch exhausted-
"It felt like forever, but we're done" -Jimin said laying himself on the couch next to tae-
"Tomorrow we move everything, right?"
"Well, except the big furniture, yes"
"I'm really happy we're doing this Jimin, even if it's fast, when it's right I know it"
"I'm looking forward to it, I want to forget the feeling of not sleeping next to you"

Taehyung turned around, facing Jimin and staring deep into his eyes

"You've turned my world completely upside down Jimin, but it turns out it's the right side"
"You've.." -Jimin stopped and that confused Tae- "you've shown to my existence how to live" - Jimin lowered his head but Tae leaned closer to him and raised it again-
"You already know the words 'I love you' aren't enough for me to tell you how I feel for you, right?"
"And how are you gonna tell me then?"-Jimin asked shyly-

Taehyung then started kissing the other one. The kiss deepened by the minute, it was so soft but so intense. It felt like Tae was really trying to tell Jimin his feeling towards him by that kiss. They were once again interrupted by Yeontan who was hungry and barking at both of them

"Uhgg you stup.."
"Don't insult him!!"
"He always interrupts us!!" -Taehyung said while he was standing up-
"It's not his fault! He's just hungry"
"Yeah I know. Come here Tanie here's your food"
"I wanna sleep"
"I wanna sleep. With you." -added Tae-
"I wanna sleep with you hugging me"
"I wanna sleep with you hugging me and giving me kisses"
"I wanna sleep with you hugging me and giving me kissed in my neck" -finished Jimin-

Taehyung lifted Jimin and dropped him in the bed

"You didn't have to do that" -said Jimin removing his shirt-
"I know" -Tae said removing his shirt-
"I'll sleep in boxers today"
"Good for me" -said Tae removing his pants-

They both got inside the bed and talked about the house, Yeontan, the future... and then Jimin remembered.

"Oh my god, tomorrow I have to meet Jin" - he quickly sat up on the bed anxious- "nononono I'm not prepared"

Tae sat next to him and put an arm around him

"Calm down. Please"
"Taehyung I'm really scared again. I hate this awful"
"You'll see, after you tell him you'll feel better than ever. You are ready, you are strong. Don't waste your precious tears Minie" -he said whipping Jimin's tear-

After hearing his words Jimin calmed down a bit. He laid down again and took a big breath.
"I'm scared he'll hate me because I didn't tell him sooner" -he was now crying- "he's the only family I have Tae"
"And that proves that he'll be supportive. He loves you and he wants the best for you, we can't know how he'll react but you are doing the right thing. Let's get some sleep Chimi"

Tae pecked Jimin's cheek exactly where the tear was falling and licked it making Jimin laugh. After that he pecked Tae's lips and both of them closed his eyes.

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