Part 9•

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It was already Saturday. Jimin and Tae talked every single day like they had the need to do so.

Jimin got ready and hopped on his car headed to the direction Taehyung had sent him

When he arrived, he recognized the boys immediately, they were with Tae the day they met. Jimin approached the three of them who were sitting at a table and talked shyly

"Hii" -he said waving to them with one hand-
"Jiminiee" -Tae received him with a warm and honest smile- "this is Namjoon" -he pointed at the tall one with dimples, who smiled waving at him- "and this is Yoongi" -he pointed at the sky blue haired one, who waved vaguely
"this is Jimin" -pointed Tae-
"Yeah, we already know, now, can we order?" -asked Yoongi-
"Manners Hyung" -Namjoon looked at him-

They spent all afternoon talking within hard laughter until 8:00 pm, Taehyung knew that Yoongi and Namjoon had to go because they had an important work meeting, so all of them went out to the street and these two left directed to their commitment. Leaving Jimin and Tae anew alone.

"So... did you like my friends?"
"Yes, they are really funny, I like them" -smiled Jimin-
"I'm sorry for all the foolishness they said" -Tae scratched the back of his head while tilting it and laughing softly-
"Hahaha it's okay"-Jimin continued- "So... what do we do know?"
"We can go to my house if you want to"-Tae offered-
Jimin's heart attempted escaping his chest hearing the other one's words
"Sounds great"
"I'll get a cab"
"No, I have a car" -Jimin smiled

Once they were in Taehyung's house, this one took off his shoes getting comfortable on the couch. That made Jimin laughed.

Taehyung's POV:

'Such a cute smile'


'What the hell'

'Taehyung wtf'

'Whats happening'

'Just act cool'

-Tae thought while Jimin sat down next to him-

"Please, not a horror movie"
"Okay.......what about ....romance?" -Tae said, and thought 'WTF TAEHYUNG WHAT IS GOING ON?'-
Jimin's cheeks were blushing a bit
"Sounds perfect"

The beginning of the movie was interesting, but Jimin was exhausted due to the week of hard work he had had, and that caused him to lose consciousness and his eyes began to close inevitably. Jimin ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie dropping his head on Tae's shoulder.
Taehyung's thoughts didn't leave him alone

'He is asleep'
'What do I do'

-He looked at him-

'He is so cute when he'
'Tae wtf is going on?'
'Didn't you have a GIRLFRIEND like two weeks ago'

His thoughts kept talking to himself, really confused

'Well that explains why I was so nice to him in the first place'
'Makes sense'
'But still wtf'
'How can I not know my sexuality til now'
'I'm sure it's nothing'

-Jimin settled on Tae's shoulder causing Tae to pull his arm back giving Jimin access to lie on his chest too, which Jimin asleep did.

Tae felt his cheeks redden as he looked at the boy lying on him

'Omg he is just too cute'
'What the fuuuck'
'Why the fuck'
'How the fuck'
'When the fuck'

-He just kept trying to explain himself that he apparently was feeling those kind of feelings for a boy.
THAT was new, he was scared, but looking down and seeing Jimin made him calm down and just enjoy what was happening, so he did-

~~next morning~~

Jimin's POV:

Jimin yawned and stretched. He sat down, and realized he was lying on a couch, and it wasn't his. Then he saw another pair of legs next to him, he delayed a few seconds given the fatigue but then remembered that he had fallen asleep during the movie.... 'he is going to kill me' . He turned around and saw lying on the couch a sleeping Taehyung, with his arm horizontal, under which he had been all that time, thinking about that made him blush.

Jimin stood up and turned to look at Taehyung once again... 'he sleeps like an angel'

He proceeded to go to the kitchen and searched for something to eat, he was starving. He found an apple and ate it in the kitchen while thinking quietly

'I was so freaking tired last night'
'I hope he isn't mad at me because I fell asleep'
'I can't even imagine him mad or angry'

-Jimin tried to imagine it, but failed-


'This apple is really good'

Jimin got scared to his core when a fluffy thing rubbed itself around his legs, causing the boy to climb to the counter. He looked down and got off the counter

'Omg its a puppy'
'Stupid Jimin'

"What are you doing over here?" -he said in a cute and high voice while petting the little puppy
'Tae never mentioned a dog'
'But it's ADORABLE'

Jimin started playing with him without realizing that his talks with this one made his voice louder and louder

"I see you've met Yeontan" -Tae showed up suddenly, Jimin's voice had woke him up-
"YEONTAN what a beautiful name" -said Jimin to the puppy while this one jumped into his arms-
"You two look exactly like each other" -said Tae teasing-
"Nah, he is too cute for me" -replied Jimin-

Taehyung's POV:

'How can something be too cute for him'
'Nothing is as cute as him'
'Omg Tae you are confusing me'
'I'm you Tae'
'Shut up Tae'
'You like him Tae'
'Stop it Taeee'


"So...what about having breakfast?" -He offered, breaking his silence
"Yeah why not" -Jimin smiled at him-
"Okay, let's go"

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