Part 23•

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"Great. Now at the age of twelve you found new ways of hitting me. Every day, again. I started to pass out sometimes, your punches were too much for my little body to handle.
At that time, I remember particularly, I....." -Jimin struggled- "I...started.. to hurt myself. I'd cut myself. My legs, my wrists. And what did you do? Keep hitting me, of course you didn't notice, couse' you didn't care at all. Jin noticed, I told him I was depressed, never told him why"
"I didn't..."
"Then at thirteen years old everything went out of control. You raped me..........again. I was so embarrassed, so disgusted, so conscious. I attempted to kill myself"

There was a silence

Taehyung started crying when he heard those words, he didn't knew that

"Unfortunately then, fortunately now, I didn't die"
"Jimin I"
"That was my childhood. I started going to the gym at thirteen years old, even if you didn't like it. Once I was stronger you never bothered me again. And at eighteen I disappeared of that damn house, got myself a nice apartment, two jobs, and built my life again"
"I'm sorry" -his father let out a tear-
"I don't fucking care you are sorry" -Jimin said with a cold stare- "you tried to do it again in your house, but you were too drunk and I could handle you. And also Jin appeared. But then, I give you a roof near your workplace and you try to SEXUALLY ABUSE ME AGAIN??"
"What?? I didn't do that!"
"STOP ACTING YOU INHUMAN PIECE OF SHIT, WE BOTH KNOW WHAT YOU TRIED TO DO AND WE BOTH KNOW YOU ARE LYING. Don't try to pull the same act again. Deep inside of me I always knew you remembered everything correctly, it's impossible to forget you are a rapist"

His father stood up hitting the table and Jimin backed up. Taehyung was already closer to them, ready to attack, while whipping his tears

"Don't you dare try to scare me"
"I'm done here"

Jimin's father stood up and walked to the door with tears in his eyes

Jimin walked faster and closed the door

"Before you leave just keep in mind not to bother talking to me ever again in your miserable life" -Jimin said with a deep threatening voice-

His dad gave him a angry/defeated look and exited the house.

Jimin closed the door and looked at Taehyung who was almost finished crying

Tears filled Jimin's eyes and he started crying. He then ran to Tae and hugged him very tightly

Jimin was sobbing, and Tae caressed his hair softly

"Shh, you did it Minie, I'm very proud of you" -Tae's voice cracked and hearing his own words, started crying once again-

Jimin's crying wouldn't allow him to even try to say a word

"It's over babe, you did it" Taehyung said one more time

The harder Jimin cried, the harder Tae cried and the tighter the hug would get.

Tae slowly lowered their bodies until they were both kneeling on the floor still hugging

At least fifteen minutes passed by until Jimin started to calm down
"Should we go to the hotel love?"
Jimin nodded

Tae drove them in Jimin's car to the hotel, none of them spoke in the ride

They arrived and went to their room.

Tae intertwined their fingers and lead Jimin inside after him, closed the door and both of them sat on the couch

Tears would still fall out of Jimin's red eyes

"How do you feel?"
"I feel good, *sniff* but hurt at the same time"
"I'm really proud of you, you really said everything"
"Yeah I know *sniff* but Jin still doesn't know even half of the story"
"How about we finish this week peacefully both of us without thinking about all the bad stuff and you can tell Jin everything after?"

Tae pecked Jimin's wet lips twice

"Thank you"

Tae replied with a smile

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