Part 15•

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Jimin and Tae woke up on Sunday, had breakfast at Jimin's, had lunch at Jimin's and then Tae offered to watch a movie

"I don't want to watch a movie" -Tae said, both of them were already sitting in the couch-
"You just said you wanted to watch a movie" -Jimin laughed and looked at Taehyung-
"Yeah I know, but I want to spend every second of this day with you. Watching a movie would be wasting time"
"You are so adorably sweet" -Jimin pecked Tae's lips-

There was a silence...

"Let's go away" -Tae sat straight, really excited, took Jimin's hands and looked at him- "let's forget everything and go away from tomorrow till next Sunday. All week long. Only us in an all inclusive hotel"
"Are you crazy?" -Jimin chuckled-
"Yes, crazy in love, with you. Just the weekends are not enough time with you" -Tae was now serious but still excited- "c'mon what do you say? It would be perfect, the two of us....alone...without caring about anything else....being able to do..whatever..we...want" -Tae smirked-

There was a silence.. as if Jimin was thinking and about to accept

"NO! What am I thinking? We have to work Taehyung!!"
"We'll just take a week off. I think I can do that"
"Yeah, but I can't"
"Why? We both have 25 vacation days....we can choose when to use them..." -Tae made his best puppy eyes- "pleaseeee" -he pouted

Jimin bit his lips as if he was making a big mistake that he would regret. But he wouldn't lie to himself, he wanted this bad

"Ugh okay" -Jimin rolled his eyes
"YEEEAAAHHH, go pack, I'll look for a nice hotel"

By the end of the day, Tae had booked a hotel room for two and they had both talked to their bosses saying that they wouldn't be working this week, and there was no problem with that. Once Jimin had everything packed they went to Taehyung's place, he would pack and they would spend the night there. The next day, they were leaving.

They were both in bed in their boxers, today the weather was hot, they didn't feel like wearing pijamas

"I still can't believe we are doing this, it was so out of the blue"
"The things one does...all because of love" -Tae kept talking- "you are not gonna regret it, it's gonna be the best week you've ever had"
"I won't deny that"

Tae put his upper body on top of Jimin and started kissing him. Jimin slowly put his hands behind Tae's head not letting him go. He tangled his fingers with Tae's soft straight hair.

Then Tae started going down and sucking on Jimin's neck making a really strong hickey while Jimin played with Tae's hair

Tae went up again kissing him once again

"The rest is for tomorrow" -Tae smirked-
"You evil creature"

After that, they went to sleep

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