Part 22•

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Jimin woke up and took a look at his cellphone

Three unread messages:
C'mon Jimin, I'm alright now, I literally only want to talk.

Jiminie, I really think you should talk to dad, he should now everything you told me

I don't think even you are capable of telling him everything by the phone. I don't even think you want to Jiminie

Jimin knew Jin was right, even if he didn't want to see his father, he was ready to tell him everything he felt. And he didn't dare to do it by texts

He looked over at Taehyung whose back was facing Jimin. He left his cellphone on the bedside table and back hugged Taehyung, who woke up

"Hi Jiminie"
"Good morning my love, I love you so much, you know that right?"
"Yeah I do, and love you too, but is everything okay? -Tae laughed and turned around-
"Yes, I just want to look at you and kiss you forever"
"Then why aren't you kissing me?"

Jimin smiled and pecked Taehyung's soft lips


Jimin turned around and replied to the texts

(To dad)
Okay, let's meet. But I'm not gonna be alone, I'll bring Taehyung, and don't bother asking me who he is.

(To Jin)
Okay, you are right Hyung, I already agreed.

"I'm meeting with him"
"Yeah? What made you decide that?"
"Jin texted me, and he was right, I want to tell him everything, but I want him to be able to see me when I do. I want him to see the pain he has caused me"
"Sounds right"
"Would you come with me?"
"Of course I will"

One unread message:
Thank u Jiminie, when and where?

Today, 2:00 pm, at my place

Okay, see you

They both dressed up and had lunch. After that they went to Jimin's place and waited

*knock knock*
"Let's get this over with" -Jimin mumbled while opening the door
"Hello Jiminie" -his dad went for a handshake, which Jimin ignored while letting him in-
"Hello Mr Park" -said Taehyung politely
"Hey...I know this face....this is the guy that punched me!!" -he turned to look at Jimin, who calmly nodded-
"He's my boyfriend, touch him and you are dead" -Jimin started-
"Oh...I didn't know you had a..boyfriend.....weren't you with that other guy.."
"That was more than a year ago"
"Oh right" -he said while he sat on one of the chairs surrounding the table-

Jimin didn't bothered to sit. Tae backed up and went to the kitchen and stood there in silence.

He wasn't gonna be part of the talk but he needed to be aware of everything in case something happened

In the kitchen Tae could see Jimin's back and his father's face

"Okay...I think I need to start, I don't remember hitting you Jiminie. I'm so sorry if I did, but I would never do that consciously"
"You can't be serious. Alcohol makes you dumb but it doesn't erase your f.. your memory"
"You know what. Its better if I start." -Jimin said while his voice sounded like he was about to explote- "why not begin when I was seven years old, you and mom got divorced and she left us. You started drinking because of that, you'd bring home a different girl every night and didn't bothered to feed us"
"Jin had the need to start teaching himself to cook due to the fact that you didn't even gave us a crumb"
"I'm sorry Jimin it just was a tough moment for me"
"For you??? We were the orphan kids you as.." -Jimin took a deep breath- "if you thought it was hard for you, you can't imagine how hard it was for us. We lost our mom, the most important thing a kid has, and the only thing we could try to rely on was you, but guess what, you weren't there"

Jimin's dad just didn't know what to say, he stayed silent and Jimin kept talking

"So now let's skip a year and go to when I was nine years old. You wouldn't bring girls home anymore, and instead you tried to hit Jin, and I saw it all. He was too strong for you, you couldn't control him........" -Jimin lowered his head- "so you went for me"

Taehyung gulped, he was feeling so bad hearing the whole story

"You started hitting me, first once in a while, then at least once or twice a week and then it became every, fucking, day. You'd hit me with your belt, with your hands, with your legs, you'd even throw stuff at me. Sometimes I was lucky, Jin rescued me like 10 times in total. He thinks those were all the times you hit me"
"I'm not done. Not even close to done.......let me ask you a little question you remember all of that?" -Jimin gave his father a dead glare waiting for his answer-
"Yeah" -his father sighed
"Well let's keep going then. A year went by like that, and then I was ten...I literally remember teachers asking me what those bruises were and I was so scared, so defenseless that I'd tell them I was clumsy and hit myself with everything, they sadly believed me. When I was ten I tried to start going to the gym and try to make myself stronger but you didn't allow me to go, of course you didn't, you needed me to be weak for what you were about to do..."
"Jimin stop"
"You abusive raped me when I was only ten fucking years old....what the fuck is wrong with you?? Why would you do that??"
"I never raped you Jimin stop that"
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME you are gonna act like you forgot that now?? I don't believe your stupid act no more. You don't have amnesia!! Admit it NOW!"

After Jimin's screams there was a silence where only Jimin's breathing could be heard

"Let me ask once again..."- Jimin put his hand on the table and got a little bit closer- "do you remember that??"
"Perfect, let's keep going then" -Jimin straighten up again- "then I was eleven years old. The drinking stopped for a while, and Jin and I actually thought that maybe everything would be back to normal, and just then, you fucking raped me AGAIN" -Jimin's voice cracked- "do you remember that?"
"No Jimin...I"

"Yes I remember"

~A/N: it's gonna be a long discussion, so it keeps going in the next chapter~

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