Part 18•

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Tae took Jimin out for lunch to a nice restaurant with a stunning view, and by the time they finished Jimin was much better.

"That was some good food"
"I know, I have the best taste choosing restaurants" -Tae bragged-
"Clearly" -Jimin continued- "so what do we do next Tae?"
"Oh, I'm supposed to have a plan?"
"Oh, I....I just thought..."
"Just kidding angel I have everything planned" -Tae gave Jimin a kiss on the forehead, and intertwined their fingers

They walked a bit until they reached their destination

"Again?....why can't we come to the beach when I am actually wearing a swimsuit??"
"Sorry" -Tae gave his best box smile
"I can't be mad at you" -Jimin rolled his eyes as Tae dragged him to the sand

Tae sat down

"Sit down"
"No, I'll end up with sand everywhere"
"Who cares, you only live once"
"Ugh, your ways to convince me"

Jimin sat in front of Tae

"You know what I always wanted to do?" -said Tae serious but not that much
"A sandcastle"
"We really are soulmates......but, not a common sandcastle....I've done that many times..."
"A huge sandcastle?"

Tae's smile was bigger than his face as Jimin figured out everything he wanted

"Can we?"
"Yeah, why not"

They spend more than an hour building  every detail perfectly while they talked and laughed together

Until they finally finished it

"It's perfect" -Tae smiled looking at the creation-
"It is"
"How should we call it?"

Tae turned his head and looked at Jimin. He placed his hand behind Jimin's ears and pulled him into a kiss

"Why was that for?" Jimin smiled
"No reason"
"It's starting to get cold out here, can we go to the hotel?
"Yeah of course"

Tae took a picture of the castle and then destroyed it with Jimin's help

They were now back at their hotel room

"Ahh so much warmer" -Jimin enjoyed
"Well if you want to heat yourself up I can help with that"
"Oh really?'s that?"

Tae pulled Jimin's waist closer to him and started slowly kissing him, he then kissed his neck while Jimin played with Tae's hair once again

Jimin's cellphone, in his pocket, started ringing, and he pulled off of the kiss and took his cellphone out

He looked at the cellphone and froze

"Tae" -he showed Taehyung the cellphone while this one ringed-
"Your dad??"
"Yeah, what do I do??"
"Well I don't know!"
"I don't want to answer!!"
"Then don't"
"Oh,....that seems like a good option"

Tae chuckled
The cellphone stopped ringing and Jimin felt messages arriving

Three unread messages:
Hey Jiminie, can we talk?

I know you are there, please answer me

I'm your father Jiminie, don't ignore me, please

Jimin's face went from worried to sad, and from sad to really angry

"Jimin, what is it?"
"I hate him so much" -he gave Taehyung the phone and sat on the couch rubbing his temple

Tae read the texts and joined Jimin on the couch

"Just don't answer if you don't want to"
"It's more than that Taehyung, he'd always do the same thing, be so fucking drunk that the only things he remembers are when he is the victim. I still don't know if he himself knows he sexually harassed me"
"I don't know if he knows why I treat him so badly, he probably only thinks I'm mean"
"In that case I really think you should talk to him, even if it's by text, he needs to know what he's done"
"It won't change a thing. He's a fucking alcoholic abusive asshole"
"Come here Jimin"
"Sorry Tae I'm not in the mood"
"Not in the mood for a hug?"
"I'm angry not sad. I wanna punch something not hugs"

Tae could see how much Jimin was hurting only by looking in his eyes

He wasn't gonna go, he new Jimin needed him and wanted him to stay

So he just stayed there by Jimin's side, both facing forward.

Jimin with his arms crossed.

Slowly as Jimin thought about everything again and again, both in silence, a tear escaped of Jimin's eyes but his upset resentment face was still there.

Then two tears, then three, and then Jimin cracked

He threw himself at Taehyung hugging him tightly with his head on his chest

"I'm sorry" -Jimin said sobbing-
"Don't worry" -Tae said embracing Jimin-
"I'm just so sad, I can't take this pain no more Tae, I can't, I want it to be over I....I" -Jimin just kept crying

Tae couldn't hold his tears back

"I promise Chim, I promise this pain will be over soon, please don't give up"
"I'm breaking, he is breaking me, all of this is breaking me"
"I'm not gonna allow you to break, I'm not gonna allow anyone to break you. You are stronger than you think"

At this point both of them were sobbing

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