Seventy Eight- Trial/In Her Eyes

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Scarlett: Yes, he's all she ever talked about since we came here.

Stuart: And when we have to leave Corona, she look sad to leave him behind. She really care about him more than ever.

Niguel: So your daughter doesn't see him as a monster?

Scarlett: If she's here, she make you hurt like old witering fly!

Sera: Judy never said one bad word of him! He's her friend and to her, he is more than anything you all say about him.

Niguel: But if she is still here and not with the princess as you all say, would she defend him just as you all say?

Naoto: She be down right insult and fight like a warrior at heart she is.

Randol: You all should be ashamed of this.

(Varian look speehless of this. But Niguel wasn't finish.)

Niguel: But is there any reason why you all left Corona?

(The family grow quiet of this.)

Scarlett: We leave to travel, we're traveling musicians.

Niguel: And just when you were about to make this your home at Old Corona?

(The family look away. Varian gasp, they were about to make Old Corona their new home, cause Judy always talked about him?)

Niguel: Why did you leave Corona?

(They didn't say anything, till Murlock speak.)

Murlock: Cause the rocks are destorying the land and we have to leave before it cause more harm.

(And that caught Varian's attention.)

Varian: Wait, you knew about these rocks?

Murlock: I do. And you should be ashamed of yourself. The rocks are not to be mess with and you have to get involved of this.

Varian: They were destorying my home! Judy and I were trying to find the way to stopped them, till you got her family and her to leave!

Murlock: I have to, for the sake of my family and my songbird! I don't get what she see in you. You're nothing but a definition of destruction.

(Varian growl at him. He move to him, till the guards grab him and hold him down. The crowd look shock of this.)

Varian: You took her away from me! You took my angel away when I needed her most!

Murlock: I did what I have to do for her! You are nothing but dirt!

Varian: At least Judy never look at me like that!

Murlock: She's more naive than you imagine!

Scarlett: Murlock!

(Varian struggle to break free, till he is dragged away and back to his cell. The judge slam his gavel to calm everyone down. Murlock glare at Varian, but the rest look at him in pity. The guard toss Varian back in his cell and lock it. Rudiger walk to Varian, who is laying on the floor. He look up to look at the lantern Judy gave him as it still glow in the crawl to grab it and held it close.)

Varian: He's wrong, Judy is not naive. I know her, she see the bad past me and see the good in me.

(He look at the window, moon shine bright on him. He get up and stare at it. He feel that Judy is looking at the same moon, and sing.)

Varian: (sing) She stares through my shadow

She sees something more

Believe there's a light in me

She is sure

And her truth makes me stronger

Does she realize

I awake every morning

With her strength by my side

(He think back on the bad deed he done and how he acted.)

Varian: (sing) I am not a hero

I am not an angel

I am just a man

A man who's trying to love her

Unlike any other

(A image of Judy enter his mind, smiling at him.)

Varian: (sing) In her eyes, I am

(He sat down on the floor, back against the wall.)

Varian: (sing) The world keeps on spinning

Only she stills my heart

She's my inspiration

She's my northern star

(Rudiger climb on his lap, as he pet him while looking at the ceiling.)

Varian: (sing) I don't count my possessions

But all I call mine

I will give her completly

Till the end of all time

(He think back on the last time he almost harm others, and trying hard to free his father that make him evil.)

Varian: (sing) I am not a hero

I am not an angel

I am just a man

A man who's trying to love her

Unlike any other

(He think of the last time he see Judy as she stare at him.)

Varian: (sing) In her eyes, I am

(He get up, holding Rudiger as he walk close to his cell, gripping on it as he sing.)

Varian: (sing) In her eyes I see the sky

And all I'll ever need

In her eyes time passes by

And she is with me

(He lean against the bars, wih his head against. With the Pot's family, they walked out of the kingdom. Scarlett turn to face Murlock.)

Scarlett: That's too far Murlock. You know how Judy feels about you talking bad about him.

Murlock: Scarlett, those rocks will not stopped till they find the Sundrop. Fredric is a fool to destory the balance and he must pay for it.

Srea: Then he lose his wife and his daughter. How can you be so cruel to ee how much the two care for each other?

Naota: Do you remember a time you feel love?

Murlock: That was before I serve for my king. Protecting my songbird is my first priority.

Staurt: You know, Judy is much more independent now. She won't need you to protect her when she can finally protect herself.

(Murlock turn away from them. He pull out his gloves, look at the sympol on his fist. A circle with three lines on it. He sighed, he know he can't keep protecting Judy forever, and he can't change her mind about Varian too. But he must protect her from the rocks and protect his new family. Varian held on the bars, singing still.)

Varian: (sing) I am not a hero

I am not an angel

I am just a man

A man who's trying to love her

Unlike any other

(He think of the times he spend with Judy and how his feelings for her grow stronger each time they spend.)

Varian: (sing) In her eyes , I am

In her eyes, I am

(He close his eyes while sliding down to the floor. In the island, Judy look at the moon, missing Varian still. Her heart miss him so much, she wonder how long will they stay in this island. She need to see him again and know he's alright.)

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