Chapter 29.

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Spencer's POV

I woke up in a bed, covered in blankets and noticed that some of the pain had subsided. I was alone in the room, and decided to head out of the room. When I went out the door, all the boys were asleep, except Harry.

I crossed my arms, walking out and sitting beside him on the couch. "Why are you still up?"

He turns his head to me, "I was waiting for you to wake up."

I hum, leaning my back onto the couch and sighing. "You didn't have to."

"Spencer don't think I forgot what I told you earlier." He says, scooting closer to me.

Shivers go down my back as I scoot a little bit away. It's not that I'm scared of him, I'm just scared to do anything with him. I don't want to disappoint him, or have him compare me to anyone else.

"I think you did." I laugh nervously, glancing at him for a quick second.

He laughs, grabbing my wrist and lifting me onto his lap, putting my hair behind my ear and connecting his eyes with mine. "If you have a problem with it, just tell me." He says softly, with no hint of annoyance.

*it happens* *she might be pregnant*


A few hours later Harry is shaking my shoulders, telling me to wake up and put my clothes back on. He jumps onto the bed like a child on Christmas Day, hopping up and down, telling me to wake up.

"Go away." I mumble to him, putting the pillow over my face.

"We're landing!" He cheers out, and my body is in the air as he jumps. Once the words leave his mouth, I'm out of the bed, grabbing my clothes and throwing them on, and Harry starts hugging me tightly.

I hug him back, and release, running out of the room and to where all the guys are. They're all buckled up, looking out the window as I do the same. We're really close to the ground and I can feel a smile rise onto my face, watching us get closer and closer to the ground.

Harry walks in, sitting beside me and holding my hand. I now notice how he's shirtless and my eyes nearly pop out of the sockets when I see the scratch marks down his back.

I wasn't the only one so noticed.

"I'm going to start calling you Wolverine!" Louis calls out, laughing uncontrollably, while the others tag along, holding their stomachs. My face heats up, as I turn away from them, looking out the window.

"Awwwooooooooo!" Louis mocks a wolf, and I groan, my embarrassment growing. He laughs so hard, to the point where his face is purple.

"Lou! Shut up!" Harry yells at him, throwing a peanut but also starts laughing. He's not at all embarrassed as much as I am.

The plane starts shaking, and getting bumping. We hit the ground, and I watch in fascination as we do so. I leave the laughing boys alone, and watch the plane come to a slow pace before coming to a complete stop.

"We're here!" Alex pushes open the door, a smile covering his face. "Welcome survivors." He motions us to get up, and go toward the door that leads outside and we all hurry to take off our seat belts and racing to the door.

"Ladies first!" I yell at them, pushing them all out of the way.

"You're not a lady!" Louis yells, pushing back. "You're a wolverine!"

I slap his arm before pushing him harder than before and getting him out of the way. The airplane lady opens the door, looking at all of us with horror. Harry comes beside me, a shirt now covering his scratched up back.

I go through the tunnel, and as soon as I go out the door, lights flash in my eyes, almost blinding me.

"Spencer! Spencer! Here!" Someone yells, flashing a light at me. "Harry! Harry!"

I look oddly at the people surrounding us, as Harry pulls me into his chest, shielding me from all the people. "Fucking press." He mumbles.

Duh, it's the press. They start yelling the other boys names, flashing cameras at them before getting pushed by security guards as we're led to a private room.

The room held different adults, tears running down their faces. Once we walk in, their eyes light up and Harry lets go of me, running up to one of the ladies while Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall do the same. Nick and I awkwardly stood there, looking at each other in confusion.

Then another realization hits me.

That's their parents. I smile at the sight of Harry's mom crying, and Harry getting teary eyed. Niall is crying, while Louis is cracking death jokes and Liam and Zayn are hugging their moms as tight as possible.

Harry points over to me, and his mom smiles and soon they're both walking toward me.

"Mum, this is Spencer." Harry says, wiping his eye. "My girlfriend."

I was about to hold out my hand until she grabbed my hand, pulling me into a tight hug. "Thank you for taking care of my son." She whispers in my ear, quiet enough to where Harry couldn't hear.

She pulls away, looking behind me and I follow her eyes to find Alex. He takes off his hat, looking at all of us.

Harry grabs my hand, moving close beside me while all the other boys line up beside us. Alex starts talking, "Welcome to London. Press will be following you for a couple of months, trying to get the inside scoop of the Purge survivors, but other than that, you won't be bothered. You'll be treated like a regular citizen."

I look up at Harry, and he smiles down at me, letting go of my hand and pulling me into his side.

"Welcome to your new lives."




It was a sucky ending to a book

but don't worry there's a sequel and I will begin typing it soon.

Thank you to everyone who is reading, and will continue reading. It means the absolute world to me. When I started typing this I honestly didn't think anyone would like it.

Thanks to the people who have stayed reading!

I hope you read the sequel :-)

I'll tell you guys when I post the first chapter so don't delete the book from your library!

I love you guys so much!

Thank you for everything.

Make sure you vote and comment!

I'll see you in maybe a week;)

And if you could possibly comment below title ideas!

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