Chapter 24.

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*i changed something. Since they were going to leave three days before the plane came, and then the guys attacked yada yada, I said that when the guys attacked it was two days before they were actually suppose to leave you got me?
So since they were going to leave three days early, it's turned into five days, but now it's down to 3 more days bc two nights have passed.
Sorry I'm a complicated person

Spencer's POV

I can see it. I can see the airway, which looks like the stairwell to a new, improved world. It's about a ten minute more walk, but I don't mind since Harry is still carrying me.

"We're almost there baby." He says, adjusting me on his back. "Does your ankle still hurt?"

"Yeah just a little." I mumble. And it's not fully a lie. It is swollen up just a tiny bit from the rope burn, and every time it hits against Harry's back it stings.

"We'll get you some ice when we get on the plane." He smiles cheekily.

I kiss his cheek in a reply as we all sit down behind some trees, and rest. We've (not me, but everyone else) been walking for more than an hour and they're all aching. We still have about three days until the airplanes, helicopters whatever they're bringing comes and gets us. It gives up time to just rest and relax.

We walk a little longer, and in the middle of our walk Nick starts talking. "Hey guys, wanna play the confession game?" He asks, no one answers but he continues. "Okay I'll go first."

I look back at him, and he's looking at all of us nervously, while I see Tyler just smirking away.

"I'm gay." The words leave his mouth and suddenly my butt is in the ground, while Harry is cheering with joy. I glare at Harry for suddenly dropping me but brush it off.

I look up at him with confusion, and he keeps going. "You're gay! No threat to me anymore!"

"Threat?" Nick asks, suspiciously.

"Well duh," Harry says. "You're almost as good looking as me, you were a threat to my Spencer."

I'm surprised by his words, and most of amused as images of a jealous Harry watching me talk to Nick flood my mind. I laugh inwardly, before lifting myself up slowly, and limping over to a tree. "I like this tree, this is my tree now I sleep." I say like a child, sitting down and wincing when my ankle goes in the wrong position. "I like that your gay." I comment, leaning my head against the trunk. "I've always wanted a gay best friend."

Everyone calls out, saying they agree with me. Everyone is accepting Nick as he is, and I had a sudden urge that he was gay after his comment toward me and Harry. He's not any different than he was before in my opinion, and honestly I'm glad he's gay because that means I can officially ship Tyler and him together.

"So like," I start, and watch as the other guys take seats behind trees and we're all facing each other. "Are you gay too Tyler?"

"No!" He jumps to answer, and we all laugh. "Only Nick. He likes the D, I like the V." We all laugh together, enjoying the silence and just letting time run by. I wish it would go faster though, but I waste my time by just staring at Harry.

Weird, I know but I'm in a trance when I look at him. Lots of people say, well maybe nineteen year olds are too young for love, that they don't understand it like grown ups do, I used to believe them. But, that doesn't make sense to me now because love hit me like a brick. No one would, or can understand my love for him because it's complex. Only my shadow knows how much I care, and love him because my shadow is the only one who knows me inside and out.

I mean, who falls in love with a kidnapper? And a killer at that. I mean, killing isn't on my turn on list, because that's taking away a life, but when you personally make it your duty to kill someone to save one specific person, well then you look away from the bad, and you look at the good. The good in him killing someone. Okay, that sounds really bad actually but Harry saved me. Many times and if it weren't for him I'd be dead. Niall too, he saved my life. So although they killed people, they did it for a good cause. Well, I would think me being alive is a good cause.

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