Chapter 11.

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*excuse any errors or anything*

How can my heart be broken over five times in just a few days? By the same guy too? He's crossed the lines one too many times and I'm about done with him.

Or maybe he just misinterpreted my words. Maybe it's my mistake here and I should have stated more clearly what 'try working it out' meant. I should have been more cautious with Harry's dirty mind and Kendall's ruthless, persuasive actions.

But I need to stop giving him excuses. He should have known what I meant, and instead he did the opposite of what I wanted him to do. He took my heart and threw out the window. He didn't care whose heart it was either way, so he just carelessly got rid of it.

Because in the end, it won't matter. We won't matter. Because sooner or later, project four eighty one or three twenty two or five ninety seven or whatever it is, will be over, and both our lives will go back to normal.

I turned off my heels and headed towards the stairs after my encounter with the two sex buddies. Ignoring Harry, I hopped down the stairs to show how unaffected I was.

But that was far from the truth.
I feel like I've been thrown under the bus by him. I trusted him, I cared for him, but he didn't feel anything for me.

He only cares about himself and playing with his little toy. She doesn't really matter to him and I wish she'd open her eyes to see that. I want her to see it, not for my sake, but for her own. She's not going to be laughing when Harry finds a new Barbie doll to play around with.

"Spencer I can explain." He says and I let out a dry laugh.

"You always can, can't you?" I stop on one of the steps, turning back towards him. He's right behind me and for a quick second my vulnerability gets ahead of me and I stare at his bare chest.

No, I tell myself. I look up at his eyes while he continues. "You told me to see if things would work out with her." He shrugs it off as if it's nothing.

"Work it out as in see if you like her and stuff not run off and immediately have sex!" I whisper yell at him.

"You could have explained that better."

"No, Harry, I couldn't have. You must be pretty stupid if you thought I was telling you to have sex with another woman." I roll my eyes at him.

"Well, I'm sorry." He says with no sympathy in his voice.

"Go tell that to someone who cares." I spit at him before turning back around and walking towards the kitchen.
There was always something I did on my free time to get rid of stress. I grabbed some kitchen knifes and wandered off into the woods.

I don't know why I always run away from my problems. It's a habit that I still need to break but it's hard when problems just keep piling up. My mind can't function right because of the load
on my back.

I just need let my stress out and in order to do that, I need to throw these and just pretend it's Harry's face.

Yep, that seems to work.

I huff and puff through the trail made in the back of the woods and notice a small little pond in the back. Its beautiful scenery, that is until I notice the snow white swan covered in a coat of gruesome red.

I turn on my heels, taking a right, away from the pond. It's horrible how humans can destroy such beauty in the world.

Everyone's always supporting a clean earth, yet everyone destroys the earth in their own type of way. From smoking, to driving, to hunting, to all the other horrid pastimes our society promotes.

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