Chapter 16.

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The last few chapters have been kinda boring in my eyes and I'm about to spice it up.

Be scared.
But it might take like 1-2 chapters to get to what I'm doing.

But still.

Be scared.

Please read the last authors note!


The Next Day

"So she's officially gone?" I ask, faking sadness in my voice. Heck, I couldn't be happier that she left.

"Yeah, she is." Harry sighs, mocking my tone. "She even left a letter." He holds back a laugh, as I do the same.

"Can we burn it?" Niall chimes in.

"Not yet," Harry shakes his head. "I want to read it to you."

"Dear Harry, and other guys in the house I didn't bother to learn about." Harry starts reading it, and we all laugh as soon as he does. "At least she's honest." He laughs along but continues. "I realized I was doing wrong. I apologize and finally know it's my time to go. I took some supplies. And-" Harry begins laughing as he reads and we all anticipate on what he's going to say next. "And I took your used condom so I could make Harry babies." Everyone began laughing, besides me.

"I'm just kidding I swear!" Harry jumps to apologize when he notices my serious face. "I don't even want to bother to read the rest. She's gone!" He cheers and we all cheer along. "But sadly, when she said she took supplies, she meant she took everything. She even took my car." He frowns and all the guys groan.

"So does that mean we have to go on another run!?" I ask excitedly. I've never had such a rush before I went on the food hunt.

"Yes and you cannot go." Harry shakes his head at me and I pout.

"Why not?" I cross my arms. Everyone else in the room shook their heads immediately and I frowned. I turned towards Niall beside me. "Shouldn't he left me go Niall?"

Niall glances back and forth from me to Harry before sighing. "No he shouldn't. You almost died on the last one. We can't risk that again."

"Yeah, what Niall said. We can't lose the only girl in the house!" Louis wiggles his eyebrows and I feel Harry tense beside me. I nudge him a little bit, as if saying to calm down.

"To sum it up, no you're not going." Harry states sternly and I huff in annoyance, laying back into the couch. "Stop whining you big baby." He teases. "Plus that wound on your forehead isn't looking to good."

And he's right. It's disgustingly horrid, and I wish it would just disappear. If I could mess up Kendall's face for this, I would. It hurts like crazy too. I've had headaches since the hit, and sharp pains throughout my head.

It sucks.

"Shut up." I mumble, looking away from his gaze and down to my stomach as I make a double chin on purpose.

"That's hot." Harry says sarcastically, turning away from me as all the guys stare at me.

"Ello, I'm Harry and I'm a big loser." I mock him in a fake British voice, still making the double chin. The room erupts into laughter as Harry glares at me.

"It's true Har!" Liam laughs. "You are a loser!"

"Fuck you all." Harry mutters. "Now serious time." The room goes silent as I lift myself back up.

"Who's going on the next run?" Zayn asks the question.

I open my mouth to say 'me' but Niall stops me. "Not Spencer." He knows me too well.

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