Chapter 13.

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After minutes of judging and tongue clicking, Louis finally decided on a dress I should wear. I've never been a fashionista, so Louis has helped me a lot.

He picked a strapless, yellow dress that came to my mid thigh. The color matched my olive skin, and my hair look perfect with it. He topped it off with some black flats-he also forced me into getting those-. The amount of clothes he picked out for me at Burkes and Dicks sporting goods is more clothes than I've had in a lifetime. It's unbelievable how everyone else around the United States is either dying, or in pain, while I'm here, being treated like a queen.

"Mu-ah! You look gorgeous." He smiles and I thank him for helping me. "He's seriously going to fall head over heels for you.

At Harris Teeter I snuck in some makeup, and a hair straightener. I quickly straightened my hair and put on light makeup, making my way out of the room and upstairs. Nick and Tyler were playing video games with Niall, Zayn and Liam and Louis joined them. I have no idea where Kendall is, hopefully Harry gave her some of that gas he used to make me pass out.

"Wow." I hear a voice behind me and I instantly recognize it. "You look stunning."

I turn around and smile at him. He's wearing a pair of jeans and a checkered black and blue flannel.

He looks hot.

If I could rip that shirt off of him, I would.

I can feel my cheeks flare up at my thoughts and I send him a quick thank you before asking. "Are we good to go?"

"Yeah, she's sleeping." He says, and I raise an eyebrow. "Okay I may have put a sleeping pill in her water earlier."

I giggle. "You won't do that to me will you?"

"No of course not!" He says sarcastically, making me laugh. "Okay maybe."

I smack his arm playfully. "If you do, I will never talk to you again."

"Oh please, you'd die if you could never talk to me again." He says cockily.

"Yeah right. In your dreams." We laugh together and I watch as he inches closer to me.

"Well, we should go now. I have everything set up." He smiles and grabs my hand.

I frown. "I can't hold your hand. What if Kendall comes down stairs?"

"She's asleep."

"But what if she wakes up? That girl is full of surprise." I bring my voice to a whisper.

"Okay then. If I can't hold your hand, I will do this." He let's go of my hand and puts his arm around my shoulder. I blush immediately and notice how adorable he actually is. "She can't stop me from liking you."

Instead of replying, I kiss his cheek, wrapping my arm around his back. He smiles down at me and butterflies fill my stomach. We began walking out the door, and into the woods.

"Are you in for cheesy dates?" He asks, hesitantly.

"Any date with you is fine." I smile at my cheesy statement.

"Ahh, I see what you did there." He laughs, sending a vibration down his chest. "Wanna hear a joke?"


"Knock, knock."

"Who's there." I hysterically smile.

"Cow goes."

"Cow goes who?"

"No! Cow goes moo!" He begins laughing while I sit there with a straight face. He stops laughing and looks at me with concern. As he begins to ask a question I laugh.

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